Thursday, May 04, 2023

Who is Irena Briganti? Did she destroy Tucker Carlson, or only lead the smear campaign against him, after Lachlan Murdoch had fired him? Watch the following, succinct video, and learn, learn, learn!

By N.S.

(This is the note I posted at youtube to Megyn Kelley.)

This is the first-time in a million years that I can recall learning something about the media from a media veteran. And you were hilarious! And yum! What is sexier than an intelligent, witty woman?! You remind me of Wendy Williams in her prime, sans the racism, of course. And although this is a radio show, you're much more effective with the visuals, because of the little facial business you do to underscore your punchlines.

Speaking of racism, prior to Al Roker's campaign to get you fired from nbc, I'd had no idea he was a black supremacist. And now he got his wife an on-camera job at nbc, too. Irena Briganti. I'd never heard of her before. And I'm going to make sure my readers know all about her.

Briganti is fox news' chief flack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Roker did his very public anti-Megyn campaign and Holt started doing his anti-White thing on nnn,you knew nbc had gone black and wasn't going back.