Thursday, May 04, 2023

Uh, What’s Up, Doc? texas gov. Greg Abbott as the “Wabbit,” and nation of islam nyc mayor Eric Adams as Elmer (Fudd) Adams, in a new episode of Merry Melodies

[Previously: “crybaby, nation of islam, nyc mayor Eric Adams says gov Abbott of texas is a racist.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, may 4, 2023 at 7:44:00 a.m. edt

I saw the headline and pictured a “Bugs Bunny” cartoon with substitutions:

Abbott is Bugs—aka, the “Wabbit” (it even rhymes) and Eric Adams is Elmer (Fudd) Adams trying to get that “wascally wabbitt”—Abbott—to take back the wetbacks he sent to NYC:

“Yoo hoo, Mr.Waaabbit.”

“Nyaah, what’s up, nog? And it’s Abbott to you.”

“I was hoping you would ‘we-consider’ sending anymore of these mexicans to new york city, Mr Wabbitt.”


“But they’re ruining our city—and the five biggest cities where blacks are ‘wunning’ things.”

“Nope—why should I? You need some diversity up there, nog.”

“Ooooh, you’re a waycist!”

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but lies will never hurt me.”

“Ooooh, he IS a wascally one.”

“I know”–Eric Fudd snaps his fingers—then yells out:

“I’ll send ALL my black wesidents to TEXAS!”

“And I’ll send all MY black AND mex residents to new york!”

“Dwat—foiled again.”

“Look, nog, unless YOUR PARTY stops the border crossings, I have only one thing further to say:

Th-that’s all folks—the busings continue.”

(Theme music and...)

The end—a Merry Melodies production.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Ha ha, takes me back to watching toons after school, always a laugh to poke fun at Ewic Ada....dammit, you got me doing to now GRA. Credit Gary Larson for that.