Saturday, May 06, 2023

san fran: trans-freak freaks out after dusky trans shot by walgreen's guard

By “W”
fri, may 5, 2023 4:29 p.m.

san fran: trans-freak freaks out after dusky trans shot by walgreen's guard


Anonymous said...

Doesn't anybody WORK anymore?Protests are not work but they do waste time.



Anonymous said...

It is going to take a helluva lot more shootings before San Francisco is livable again. Note the article says they are paying $1200 a month to perverts--when you pay for something you tend to get more of it. Like when Seattle paid monthly income to drunks and wondered why the number of drunks increased. Leftists are mental cases and they have ruined San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle--and no doubt many other cities. And they are ruining the entire country--look at the politicization of government agencies. The future is grim for normal people--there will be high living for the elite scum like Gates while the rest of the country will become an impoverished third world hellhole.

Anonymous said...

They don't call it San Fran Freako for no reason.