Monday, May 01, 2023

"just when you thought it couldn't get any worse... now oregon looks to DECRIMINALIZE encampments and let homeless SUE for $1,000 if they're harassed or told to leave: furious portland residents say they're being terrorized in their own neighborhoods"

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

And of course the two idiot lawmakers sponsoring this are female diversities, each proudly wearing the traditional liberal smirk/sneer of entitled sanctimony.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
One of the rationalizations they are putting out there is that it is only public property that this would apply to. What if you're a homeowner right next to public land being occupied by homeless? Is the sidewalk in front of your house considered "public"? The vacant house next door acquired by the city? Guarantee the homeless will say it's all public property. Liberal politicians in Portland don't care, to them anybody with a home is rich and should be giving everything they got to homeless, blacks, immigrants and criminals.

Anonymous said...

Chickens come home to roost. Portlanders have only themselves to blame. They elect and re-elect the same idiots over and over. What to expect then? No alternatives even running probably. Only alternative on the ballot persons even more left radical than those currently in office.