Friday, September 02, 2022

traitor Jane Fonda reveals diagnosis: she's really old

By N.S.

In late August or early September, 1985, after having just returned home to new york, after spending five years in west german exile, I called up my Uncle Hugh (actually, everyone called him, "Hugo," but I just knew his legal name, as printed in the family book), who was the kid brother of my then-living paternal grandfather, Big Lou. He responded, "I'm 80 years old."

"Jane Fonda, 84, reveals cancer diagnosis"

"'This is a very treatable cancer. 80% of people survive, so I feel very lucky,' the legendary actress wrote on instagram."

If she were a "legendary actress," post operatives Nicholas Hautman and Eileen Reslen wouldn't have to emphasize that. However, I have to emphasize that she's a traitor, because the msm have spent over 50 years covering that up.


Anonymous said...

Her body has just told her what she's going to die of.It may not be this go round,but the next one is a sure thing.


That's amazing.

Paul McCartney's 80,Jagger is 78ish etc.etc.


Anonymous said...

The years catch up with you sooner or later. Friends - please do not take pleasure in this. Scripture says not to.