Thursday, September 01, 2022

class action lawsuit against amazon alleges anti-White, asian bias

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 1, 2022 5:21 p.m.

class action lawsuit against amazon alleges anti-White, asian bias

a woman has filed a lawsuit against amazon alleging the company engages in racial discrimination against Whites and asians.


Anonymous said...

Guilty---next case(Can I settle these?)


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I often comment on how young girl self esteem is under attack by Woke ideologues and the psychological wedge it creates is impacting their sexuality. However, I've found people are uninterested in the subject and it gets no play in the MSM, even among conservatives. Thanks to Ann Coulter for touching on the subject:
While she doesn't address the explosive increase of girls "identifying as lesbian" she does point out that girls are now far more likely be "trans" than boys. She cites a UK study that says this:

In the past decade, the number of girls seeking to transition has gone up by about 5,500 percent; compared to 1,500 percent for boys, according to the Tavistock Centre, the U.K.’s only gender identity clinic for teens.

I think Ann could gone much deeper with this subject but it's the closest I've gotten to some kind of affirmation to what I've been pointing out for a long time. I thank her for that.

Anonymous said...

If they can convince girls and boys that they're lesbos and trannies,then they can convince a fair amount of people to believe ANYTHING--including:Whites are racists,Republicans are evil,blacks are wonderful--and they're succeeding--not with everyone,but a substantial amount.

Watching this is a lesson in the power of the press--coordinated with the democratic/communist party.