Wednesday, September 07, 2022

the new york times and local soros da enter the Eliza Fletcher war crime case, in order to deceive and confuse the public

By David in TN and Jerry PDX
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 5:02:00 P.M. EDT

The new york times had an article on the case tuesday afternoon.

“Ms. Fletcher’s remains were found about seven miles from where she was abducted but just blocks from Mario Abston’s apartment.”

“Cleotha Abston was sentenced to 24 years in prison in 2001 in the abduction of Kemper Durand, a well-known memphis lawyer, as well as a charge of aggravated robbery, court records show. the formal charge in the abduction was ‘especially aggravated kidnapping.’ He was released in november 2020.”

“‘We have no reason to think this is anything other than an isolated attack by a stranger,’ Steve Mulroy, the shelby county district attorney, said tuesday.”

David in TN: He was sentenced to 24 years for his previous crime, served 19, about the usual.

The local da, one Steve Mulroy, calls it “an isolated attack by a stranger.” I believe he is a recently elected Soros DA.

By Jerry PDX
wednesday, september 7, 2022 at 5:33:00 p.m. edt

Soros-backed, shelby county da Steve Mulroy calls the murder of Eliza Fletcher an “isolated attack by a stranger”:

Mulroy supports so-called bail reform, where accused criminals are released from jail without ever having to pay bail. He was elected into office along with a wave of Soros-style elected officials:

So why does he feel the need to say it was an “isolated attack by a stranger,” anyways? We already know it was a stranger-on-stranger attack, and saying it’s an “isolated” attack is also redundant; these kinds of attacks are always isolated. So, isolated from what? I think he means “isolated,” in the sense that it’s not connected to the recurring pattern of White females being targeted by black predators. He’s telling us that by not trying to tell us that. If that makes sense.

N.S.: So, he’s lying, while talking as if he had a mouth full of marbles. Besides, black-on-White crimes are never "isolated." Sixteen or 17 years ago, Kevin J. Mullen, the retired deputy chief of the san francisco police department, wrote that in the wake of the nation of islam's "zebra murders" in 1973-1974, the murder rate tripled in san francisco, much of it driven by non-noi, black-on-White murders.
"By the late 1970s, San Francisco’s homicide rate was 18.5 per 100,000 population, up from 5.9 in an equivalent period in the early 1960s. Much of the increase was driven by a rise in black on white killings. It was in this climate that the Zebra killings occurred."
I think Kevin Mullen got the causality backwards. He once graciously granted me an interview, circa 2006, but I can no longer ask him about this, as he is now at the big roll call in the sky. However, it looks to me like the zebra killings were the climate in which the later explosion of black-on-White murders were committed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" the zebra killings were the climate in which the later explosion of black-on-White murders were committed."

The extreme nature of the negro Islamists combined with the negro black pow-wah movement put them over the edge. Someone someway in some manner they "snapped". A whole bunch "snapped" all at once in the same way.