Wednesday, September 07, 2022

illegal alien in multiple violent, "sadistic" texas home invasions gets 29-year US prison sentence

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Sep 7, 2022 12:03 a.m.

"illegal immigrant in multiple violent, 'sadistic' texas home invasions gets 29-year US prison sentence"


Anonymous said...

NOT HERE--send him to Mex prison!


Anonymous said...

He needs to serve every last day of those twenty-nine years. And then be deported if he is still alive.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Soros backed Shelby County DA Steve Mulroy calls the murder of Eliza Fletcher an "isolated attack by a stranger":
Mulroy supports bail reform where accused criminals are released from jail without ever having to pay bail. He was elected into office along with a wave of Soros style elected officials:

So why does he feel the need to say it was an "isolated attack by a stranger" anyways? We already know it was a stranger on stranger attack and saying it's an "isolated" attack is also redundant, these kind of attacks are always isolated. So isolated from what? I think he means isolated in the sense that it's not connected to the recurring pattern of White females being targeted by black predators. He's telling us that by not trying to tell us that. If that makes sense.