Wednesday, September 07, 2022

raceless las vegas county official arrested in murder of investigative reporter

By N.S.

las vegas county official arrested in murder of investigative reporter: report

Robert Telles, who was the focus of stories written by reporter Jeff German, was taken into custody after authorities searched his home for hours earlier wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some thoughts,using the old Andrews Sisters song

"You've got to ac-cent-chu-ate the positive,
E-lim-i-nate the negative,
Latch on to the affirmative.
The perp,he looks like Mr.Clean.

You've got a Mex--who has no equilibrium,
No smarts--lodged in his cerebellum,
Loco--a good description of him,
In jail--is where he will be seen.

To illustrate,the last remark,
Throw away the key,let him sit in park.
'Cause what he is--is a killer just like a shark.
You've got to...

Get rid--of the diversity,
Go back--to White superiority,
End all,this fake equality,
Go back to 1953.

Oh yeah,go back to 1953
I say...Go back,,,to nineteen...fifty...three.
