Friday, September 16, 2022

houston crime watch: south-of-the-border-descended (?) rapists, robbers nabbed

By "W"
Fri, Sep 16, 2022 2:45 p.m.

houston crime watch: south-of-the-border-descended (?) rapists, robbers nabbed

Just after the conclusion of a concert live-streamed from helsinki, finland, the following breaking news item popped up on the pc screen from our friends at kill-tv in houston. Seems that 17-year-old Olvin Rodriguez (possible relative of A-Rod?) and a 16-year-old companion, have been charged with kidnapping from her driveway, and then raping and robbing a 25-year-old female. More "diversity" enrichment:


Anonymous said...

This is the city--Houston,Texas.The story you are about to hear is true--only the names have been changed(from Alvarez or Lopez--to Gutierrez and Gonzales)to protect the innocent--nahh--they're all guilty.

--G R A

Anonymous said...

And the immigration status is??