Tuesday, September 06, 2022

obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab… huge demographic and ELECTORAL changes coming for America as vax clots kill democrats and liberal women the most

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 6, 2022 10:05 p.m.

obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab... huge demographic and ELECTORAL changes coming for America as vax clots kill democrats and liberal women the most



I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics – which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature."


Anonymous said...

Covingtonwas unpredictable about who it affected,why 8t affected them and to what extent.The vaxx is even more so.


Anonymous said...

Spellchecker must have sabotaged me--meant to say"Covid was unpredictable about who it affected,why it affected them and to what extent.The vaxx is even more unpredictable."

Today,on abc's "GMA Afternoon Garbagethon",a female doctor urged people to get a flu vaccine--"though it doesn't work too well--it's better than nothing."

What a recommendation.


Anonymous said...

Silly leftists had claimed that unvaccinated deplorables would die off giving the left a net gain. I always thought it would be the other way around--the mentally diseased left would be more apt to get the killer shots and their numbers would decrease--and that is what seems to be happening.
As for the flu shot--I used to get them every year, but then I read studies about "viral interference" which found that getting a flu shot made one more apt to get other respiratory diseases--which in this case would likely be Covid.

Anonymous said...

Karma will be a real bitch if this is all so. Irony is a constant feature of life. OH, blame Don too.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Along with a regular infusion of millions of males from the 3rd world and the death of millions of women, might get pretty competitive for guys looking for women in the US. I suppose liberal guys could just go gay but that's not an option for the real men in this country.

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