Tuesday, September 06, 2022

some friends of the victim said the girl was originally from central america (guatemala) and had been in the United States for 10 years; they said she was a hard worker and wasn't currently going to school

By A Texas Reader

Tue, Sep 6, 2022 11:54 p.m.

Some friends of the victim said the girl was originally from central america (guatemala) and had been in the United States for 10 years. They said she was a hard worker and wasn't currently going to school.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have we ever heard one HONEST post-murder eulogy,concerning a minority?Everything told about a perp or deceased minority is a hundred times the size of the Whopper made at Burger King.

"Loved to make people laugh"(especially when said he was going to get a job),"an entrepreneur"(drug dealer)etc.

Here are a few other generic descriptions--for every occasion(insert name)--adapted for reality:

illegal immigrant(female):
(name),here in the United States illegally and involved in drugs,prostitution and theft of all types,was killed by another minority--either black or Mexican,after an argument over(choose a reason).

(name)contributed nothing to society--or this country--working only to rip the government off from any benefits she could with several pregnancies over the past(number here)years.

black thug:
(Name),a violent,but lazy,100% criminal--with no redeeming qualities--was involved in a gunfight on the South Side of(city)and found dead yesterday.(name)was described as stupid--which meshed perfectly with his lack of discipline in fathering children,with at least(number)women.His stupidity in daily decision-making led him to jail multiple times and family members were surprised(name)managed to live this long.

"Legal" Mex:
(Name),here in the United States for years,but who refused to live by its laws,was apparently killed in a gang hit last night in the neighborhood of(street)in(city).(Name)was constantly drunk and believed in practicing sexual perversities with family members,resulting in the birth of(number)children in his house by female relatives.CPS is investigating and attempting to sort out the depravity.

Arab murderer:
(Name)was neutralized by police,following the decapitation of a (city)resident today. Police were called to investigate the discovery of a human head in the(number)block of(street name),when(name)charged at them with a sword--after which he was neutralized by gunfire.

(Name)reportedly hated the United States generally--and White people--in particular.Described as threatening and psychotic,(name)wore camel scented cologne,which,along with his lack of clothes washing,resulted in the drawing of large numbers of flies to the area of his apartment complex where(name)lived.