Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why is President Trump Illegally Giving Blood Money to Racist Black Colleges and Universities?

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 10, 2019 10:51 p.m.
President Trump's message to Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Why doesn't Trump extend federal government support to hardworking white kids?

From: The White House <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:37 PM
Subject: President Trump's message to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
1600 Daily
The White House • September 10, 2019

President Trump's message to Historically Black Colleges and Universities

For over 180 years, America's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have made extraordinary contributions to our country, helping bring the American Dream to millions of African-American students and many others.

Today, President Donald J. Trump addressed the 2019 National HBCU Week Conference, where he pledged to keep building on his Administration's work in support of these important institutions. "Together, we will ensure that HBCUs continue to thrive and prosper and flourish for the countless generations to come," he said.

  President Trump: We're finally fighting for OUR forgotten communities!

The success of HBCUs was a priority for the Trump Administration from day one. Barely a month after taking office, President Trump signed an Executive Order to move the Federal HBCU initiative back into the White House. From there, he made sure that agencies across his Administration were developing plans to enhance their support for HBCUs.

President Trump also secured and signed legislation that added more than $100 million for scholarships, research, and centers of excellence at HBCU land grant institutions.

Lifting up forgotten communities across America is the single most important agenda item for President Trump. Last week's jobs report, for example, revealed that the African-American unemployment rate is now at its lowest level ever recorded. And new economic census data, released today, shows that America's poverty rate just hit its lowest level since 2001. 

A bunch of policies helped make that happen: pro-growth tax cuts, regulatory reform, new trade deals, and so on. But one creative idea that doesn't get enough attention is President Trump's creation of "Opportunity Zones." Part of the 2017 tax cuts law, Opportunity Zones drive capital investment into distressed communities across the country with tax incentives for long-term commitments. The result is a projected $100 billion in new investments across 9,000 such communities.  

HBCUs have a crucial role to play in this revival of the American Dream. "You have shaped American leaders, trained American legends, pioneered American innovations, empowered American workers, built American communities, and you've made all of America very proud of you and the job you've done," President Trump said today. "My administration is determined to fight for you."

By the numbers: African-American unemployment rate hits new all-time low.

More: How President Trump is lifting up America's forgotten communities

In photos: Ivanka Trump's push for apprenticeships

Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump traveled to Alabama today to meet with students from the Robotics Tech Park, a state-of-the-art manufacturing training facility. While there, she announced that the apprenticeship program—part of Toyota's Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME)—will be expanded across the country.

"The Administration is committed to ensuring inclusive growth and opportunity in our booming economy by creating pathways for all Americans, regardless of age or background," Ms. Trump said. "I applaud the Toyota Motor Company and Manufacturing Institute for expanding the FAME program, which will build upon the economic successes we've had in the manufacturing industry."

The Alabama "success story" under President Trump is remarkable, Ms. Trump tweeted. Since Election Day 2016, the state's unemployment rate has reached an all-time low of 3.3 percent. In that time, more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been added, compared to 7,000 lost in 2016. "We're just getting started," she wrote.

Today's visit comes as part of President Trump's Pledge to America's Workers, a nationwide effort to get private-sector companies to commit to better training and reskilling opportunities for our country's great workforce.

In photos: Ivanka Trump visits Alabama.

See the President's Pledge: Over 12 million opportunities—and climbing!

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo Shealah Craighead
President Trump listens as Executive Director of the White House Opportunity & Revitalization Council Scott Turner delivers remarks at the 2019 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Conference | September 10, 2019

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Anonymous said...

Trump brags about low black unemployment,but my unofficial survey of where blacks are "getting jobs",shows a complete disregard for qualifications and a focus on skin color.These jobs,contributing to a low unemployment rate include:
1)nig police chiefs being hired by liberal white mayors or black city managers.--who are ALSO hired by liberal white mayors.This hiring of a black as the top cop is almost mandatory in cities over 100,000 (that means 10-15 thousand blacks,if using the standard ratio).That's to appease the group who are committing 80% of the crimes and complain that the white police chief is racist.
2)TV commercials.Every one of them has at least one nig in it--or more.My top three commercials that promote the blacks over whites are Repatha--showing a white father--who's daughter is marrying a jboo--and must take Repatha(a blood pressure med)to get through the wedding.In one way,the makers of the ad are trying to show blacks and whites getting along,but I saw it that a sympathetic figure--a white father,needed drugs to avoid a stroke,created by his daughter's choice of a black.
Throw in Humira(a white guy with a black wife and burrheads in the house.No wonder he has Crohns disease),car insurance ads(almost entirely black actors, telling dumb whites what to do),AT&T (blacks outsmarting whites every ad.The old Stepin Fetchit character was a genius compared to how whites are portrayed today).
3)Network news analysts/reporters
From CNN to CBS,there has been a wave in the hiring of blacks--far beyond the ratio of blacks/whites in our country.NBC leads the pack--I call them "Negro Nightly News" for good reason,as there are more blacks than whites on air.MSNBC's panel discussions--out of 5 panelists--it's frequently majority black.
I'm sure local news is using the same pattern.
4)Game show hosts
As Anthony Anderson said while guest starring on "The $100,000 Pyramid","welcome to ABC game shows--where all your hosts and guest stars are black."
When blacks make comments like that about what's happening--on air--they must REALLY be laughing about the stupidity of blacks being exclusively hired,OFF air.It's a complete joke to everyone but the network execs.
Watching the NFL or NBA is not easy for me anymore.Blacks just do not act professionally--every play is a show--make a first down and you get a 10 second dance.A touchdown?The Black Mens Rockettes gather in the end zone to perform with helmets off.
On top of everything--where blacks are involved--the quality suffers.
Grand Rapids is witnessing more blacks being hired at what USED to be called,"fast food places" like Wendy's,KFC and McDonalds.With blacks "working" these franchises,make that "interminably slow food places".
They can't use a cash register,take
an order or give you the CORRECT order much of the time.There are always new blacks being trained--who are untrainable--and subsequently fired.What used to take 3-5 minutes to place and receive a take out order,with whites working,now takes 10 minutes or more with blackies.As one white guy said to me in line,"they ought to fire the entire fu*kin' bunch of them (blacks)."
Truer words were never spoken.
This is how you get low black unemployment .
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

(WTXL-TV)Police in Tallahassee, Florida, are investigating after multiple people were stabbed at an industrial park.

The Tallahassee Democrat reported that officials "received five patients from the incident, not six as initially reported. One patient is in serious condition; two patients are in fair condition; and two patients are in good condition." with the Tallahassee Police Department responded to a stabbing around 8:30 a.m. local time Wednesday. The stabbing was at Dyke Industries, located in the industrial park, WTXL reported.
GRA:You can take guns away,there'll be knives.
You can take knives away,there'll be rocks.
You can take rocks away,there will be fists.
If you take fists away,that means getting rid of people--AHA!The final solution to solving violence on earth(Or we could just get rid of blacks,Mex and Muslims and take our chances).

Anonymous said...

The only reason the vast majority of those racist HBCU exist is because hard working Whites' taxes are used by the federal government to support them.

Anonymous said...

That is the old throw the colored a bone thing. Nixon did it too.