Sunday, September 08, 2019

Jewish Groups Demand Retrial for Man Sent to Death Row for Murdering Cop after Lawyers Claim "Anti-Semitic" Trial Judge Called Him a "F***ing Jew"

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Sep 7, 2019 9:10 p.m.

Jewish groups demand retrial for man sent to death row over cop's murder after lawyers claim 'anti-Semitic' trial judge called him a "f***ing Jew"

ATR: I remember this case.

The cop was run over repeatedly with his own cop car.

N.S.: The thing is, since as everyone knows, Texas judges and juries never sentence anyone to the needle, there must have been some extrinsic factor at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How does the judge know,the Jew has sex?