Saturday, August 10, 2024

Howard Cosell—speaking of sports, from the After-Life, abc Wide World of Sports

The original "agony of defeat," featuring Vinko Bogataj (1970)

The new "agony of defeat": mr. Imane Khelif pummeling italy’s Angela Carini into submission

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, august 7, 2024 at 1:31:00 p.m. edt

“Howard Cosell—speaking of sports. The ridiculous inclusion of men, into women’s pugilism, at the 2024 Olympics, has this reporter, literally and figuratively scratching his head. Fortunately for me, I can just remove my toupee to solve the former problem, but the figurative scratching may unfortunately never be fully resolved.

“I am a liberal—in every sense of the word—a black butt-kissing, women’s lib proponent and YES, a past advocate for the abolishment of the anti-trust reserve clause in 1972—which, I might add—MAY be taken up by the supreme court—and OVERTURNED-by said group, in either 2024 or 2025, but I can only suspend reality up to a point—and that point—that line in the sand for me, is transgender boxing.

“NO ONE—in his right minds—would allow women to play against men in any other contact sport—from football and basketball to rugby and soccer, so why are women being forced by the iocc to face competitors whose gender is generally believed to be that of a masculine nature? Other boxing organizations, such as the ibf, have come out against the freakish nature of the bouts—as I am here today.

“I was vociferously against Muhammad Ali getting into the ring, for the last five years of his career, due to the very real possibility, of his being inflicted by brain-damaging blows from much younger fighters—which turned out to be prescient on my part—to say the least.

“In my humble opinion, that threat of injury or death is present here as well with transgender boxing, but it isn't my main concern. The problem is, the Olympics—at least theoretically—are staged to be emblematic of the spirit of real competition, with the best athletes, within various categories, facing each other, under the rules of fairness.

“But THIS—transgender men facing naturally-born women—is not fair, in the least. It’d be comparable to Woody Allen playing one-on-one basketball against Wilt “the Stilt” Chamberlain.

“Chamberlain wouldn’t have a chance.

“Howard Cosell reporting.”



Anonymous said...

Pretty sure,the announcer on that clip was Bud Palmer.


Anonymous said...

I have been to that ski jump in Innsbruck. This was over 30 years ago. Walked up to very top via concrete steps built into the hillside. Got to the top, looked down, and almost got vertigo as the hill was so steep. Left unsaid: At the bottom of the jump is a bowl-shaped area where the skiers land and scrub off speed. Just over the lip of the bowl is a cemetery. Appropriate, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Symbolic of what happened to America since then,as well.


Anonymous said...

The only male-female contact sport that makes sense is marriage.

AbolishTenure said...

Maybe someone will photoshop Mr. Khelif and zir gold medal into
this classic meme. Just imagine, Bruce Jenner could have won gold medals in both men's and women's had the 1970s been this, ummm, "enlightened". O.J. could have ... could have... no, I don't want to imagine.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Jenner waited until he reached menopause to "switch sexes",so he would not get pregnant,lol.