Monday, August 05, 2024

Harris has low iq – Trump

By R.C.
sunday, july 28, 2024 at 11:18:42 p.m. edt

"Harris has low iq – Trump"

Even more bizarre:

Both of her parents have phds from first-rate American universities.

Her father is a retired professor emeritus at Stanford!


Anonymous said...

What a mystery!How do minorities get high positions when they have low intelligence? Duh, ever hear of affirmative action?

Anonymous said...

Carson:President Trump says Kumala Harris has low IQ.

Ed:How low IS it?

Carson:it's sooo low,she can't spell I-Q.

It's sooo low,that given 4 chances at 4 multiple choice answers,she STILL can't spell I-Q.

It's sooo low,she thinks "IQ" relates to playing pool.

Ed:A real dim bulb,oh great one.

Carson:Yes,another joe biden.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The problem is that even smart people sound stupid trying to defend woke ideology. For instance Ken Jennings is as smart as a whip, no doubt about it, but when he goes off on a tds rant, he sounds downright stupid. It's just plain impossible to sound smart and woke at the same time, no matter how smart you are.

Anonymous said...

Economics professor?Might as well be voodoo.


Anonymous said...

Unless you do "the rant" occasionally,you don't get to keep your job. I believe it's part of the agreement now in television.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Emhoff passed the bar exam! On her SECOND attempt, reportedly on her own, and no sexual favors were involved.

AbolishTenure said...

re: Parents' PhD's... some of the stupidest people in the world have PhD's and they're running universities. And delegating a lot of their undergraduate teaching load to foreigners who are here looking for their own PhDs. And that's why you're paying big bucks, Mom and Dad, to send your little genius with the 4.15 GPA to Big State U., to sit under the instruction of foreign grad students with no teaching experience and a poor grasp of spoken English. Dr. Bigwig is too busy with his grant applications and research publications to be bothered with teaching some American kid.

Anonymous said...

(ap)Election 2024 live updates: Harris picks Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, AP sources say

Live outside the residence of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz after ap sources say Vice President Kamala Harris selected him as her running mate.

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Updated 10:24 AM EDT, August 6, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate, looking to strengthen the Democratic ticket in Midwestern states, sources say.

She will introduce Walz at a rally Tuesday evening in Philadelphia.

Here’s what to know:

Who is Tim Walz? Walz was a high school social studies teacher, football coach and union member before he got into politics. He served 24 years in the Army National Guard, rising to command sergeant major, one of the highest enlisted ranks in the military.

GRA:THAT'S what ap wants you to know.In reality he's an old looking,60 year old commie,who was pro-blm rioters and you KNOW,complicit with sending Derek Chauvin to prison for NOTHING. A favorite of Somalis


Anonymous said...

Walz also signed a bill to give driver's licenses to illegal invaders and is in favor of trans surgery and abortions aplenty.


Anonymous said...

Bloomberg tv f.o.s. by saying,"Harris chose someone for balance--Minnesota 'nice'."

Walz is equally commie with Kumalot.


Anonymous said...

One thing about Walz,he's a fast talking commie--like an auctioneer.


Anonymous said...


(Breitbart)Walz signed legislation to allow minors to get sex-change operations in Minnesota. He signed a bill to require schools to stock period products in boys’ bathrooms.

Walz failed to anticipate and react to riots in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd. Even the liberal mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, slammed Walz’s response to the riots.

Under Walz’s leadership, Minnesota gives free college tuition to illegal immigrants.

Walz signed a bill into law that will give driver’s licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens.

Walz openly championed socialism last week during a “White Dudes” for Harris event.

Waltz was also a radical member of the House of Representatives, with Heritage Action giving him a lifetime score of 13 percent.

GRA:Media is already attempting to downplay his commie,pro-immigrant,pro-black beliefs.If he hated Whites any more intensely,he'd have to kill HIMSELF!


Anonymous said...

From certain angles,he looks like an 85 year old Don Rickles--and he's only 60.