Monday, August 12, 2024

“a major escalation is imminent between Israel and iran; U.S. warship heading to the region for ‘assistance’”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, august 12, 2024 at 1:48:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) in a significant shift in its recent assessment of iran’s intentions, Israeli intelligence reportedly now believes that Iran is preparing a major strike on Israel after all – and that it will happen in the next few days. this comes after israel had concluded that international pressure and U.S. saber-rattling had persuaded iran to leave it to lebanese militant [terrorist] group hezbollah to strike israel for blowing up [hummus] political leader Ismail Haniyeh in tehran on july 31.

“Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant shared his country’s latest assessment with U.S. Secretary of State [sic] Lloyd Austin in a sunday conversation, axios reported – telling Austin that iranian actions signify the country is readying a major strike. also on sunday, Gallant told an Israeli defense forces unit that iran and hezbollah ‘are threatening to harm us in a way they haven’t done in the past.

“laden with upwards of 154 tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles, the USS Georgia has been ordered into centcom’s area of operations.

“Israeli intelligence’s see-sawing assessment reflects an ongoing debate inside the iranian government, a source with access to the intelligence told axios:

“the iranian revolutionary guards corps [irgc] is pushing for a more severe and broader response than iran’s april 13 attack on Israel, but the new iranian president and his advisers believe a regional escalation now wouldn’t serve iran’s interests, the source said.

“a pentagon spokesman said Austin assured Gallant that America is committed ‘to take every possible step to defend Israel and noted the strengthening of U.S. military force posture and capabilities throughout the middle east in light of escalating regional tensions.

“the strengthening of the U.S. force posture included the deployment of the USS Georgia guided missile submarine to the central command theater. armed with up to 154 tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles, the kings bay, Georgia-based vessel recently completed joint training exercises in the mediterranean with force recon marines and special operations forces, including units from the u.k., norway and italy. Austin also ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group, already steaming to the conflict zone laden with f-35c and f/a-18 fighters, to ‘accelerate its transit,’ the pentagon said.”

GRA: Don’t forget to invite china and russia.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


(ZH)We have reached two weeks since the July 31st assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and Iran's anticipated major retaliation on Israel which its leaders have been threatening still hasn't come.

On Tuesday Tehran leaders appear to be walking back threats. They won't launch an attack based on key conditions, they say. Reuters and Times of Israel have cited three Iranian officials who said "An Iranian attack on Israel could be delayed amid hoped-for negotiations later this week for a hostage release and ceasefire deal in Gaza" which indicates that "a successful deal could hold Iran back from direct retaliation against Israel for alleged assassinating Hamas terror chief Ismail Haniyeh on its soil."

West Asia News Agency/Reuters
So now the pressure is on to at least proclaim the beginnings of a deal by week's end, which has already happened several times before, after which a ceasefire agreement ultimately collapses based on wrangling over details and timing.

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Once again, Iran is signaling an indefinite timeline related to the threat of an attack: "The sources did not say how long Iran would allow for talks to progress before taking action," Reuters continues. And more:

Several reports in recent days indicated Israel believes Iran intends to attack before Thursday’s renewed talks for a deal. The new comments appeared to signal that the attack would only take place after those talks, and only if they failed to yield what Iran deems to be sufficient results.

As of Monday, Iran rejected calls from Group of Seven countries to "stand down" - saying that it has a "legal right" to counter attack given an official was brazenly assassinated on its soil.

Iran sees the leader of Hamas as essentially a politician and 'head of state' - while Israel and the West consider him a terrorist and legitimate target responsible for the Oct.7 mass killings of Israelis and foreigners.

Markets have generally reacted positively to what seems a 'climb down' - with oil prices pulling back from Monday's rally which was driven by heightened fears of broader regional war.

Still as of Tuesday morning, Iran's president has presented fresh warnings.