Monday, May 01, 2023

why are blacks never charged with hate crimes against other races? That is NOT permitted; case in point, "mathboi fly"

By Merlin
mon, may 1, 2023 4:39 p.m.

why are blacks never charged with hate crimes against other races? That is NOT permitted. Case in point, "mathboi fly"

Keep walking. Don't believe your lyin' eyes; no hate crime here. mathboi fly was convicted of dozens of

charges related to killing five and injuring more than 50, mostly children. Despite this being a case of anti-white rage,he was never charged with a hate crime.

Whenever a White person kills a black, a hate crime investigation ensues,and charges often follow.  When blacks kill whites, which is far, FAR more common, there are no hate crime charges. All part of the package of leftist-inspired double standards of justice in the usa these days. As long as people are unwilling or afraid to assert their right to EQUAL justice, this situation will continue to deteriorate. 

[from '21]

waukesha: alleged attacker is a convicted pedophile, repeat felon and self-described black terrorist who preached violence against White People

Eric StrikerNov 22, 2021 | 1400 words  92,006

Last night, a red Ford SUV plowed through a group of overwhelmingly white people at a Christmas parade in the town of Waukesha, which is west of Milwaukee.                                                                                                       
Media reports have confirmed the identity of the alleged driver, Darrell E. Brooks, a registered sex offender who admitted in a video that he pimps children. The career criminal was released back into the streets on a paltry $1000 bond despite being charged with bail-jumping and facing a plethora of violent felonies and misdemeanors just over two weeks ago, according to Wisconsin Court Records. 
Many immediately speculated that Brooks' actions had a racial motive and could constitute an act of Black Lives Matter inspired terrorism. So far, officials have refused to comment on this matter. There are five deaths and 40 injuries being officially reported, with many of the victims being children. 
A source local to the area told National Justice that the death tally may be higher (closer to eight), and that the overwhelming majority of victims appear to be white. These reports are unconfirmed. 
What can be confirmed is that the virulently anti-white, Black Lives Matter supporting Soundcloud rapper Mathboi Fly is Brooks, as proven by the man's distinctive neck tattoo. 
Mathboi Fly's lyrics emphasize black racial grievance, hatred of white people, and the open support of terrorism and crime. One professionally shot music video shows Brooks rapping alongside men brandishing firearms in front of the same SUV he allegedly used to run the Christmas revelers over.
A Mathboi song titled "Minnesota" obtained could provide clues on the rapper's mindset.  
The lyrics go as follows: 
Throw a bomb 
Kenny Stills
That's for all the coppers
Time to teach it in the schools
It's that Black Power
Teach em how we built the country
Teach em black authors
Just another day in Babylon
They ain't got another victim like its Eric Garner
They ain't gonna make it hard to breath like its George Floyd
Middle finger to police, dont get me started
Try and use deadly force we gonna go harder
Fuck a price, burn it down, this ain't Bob Barker
Had his knee on his neck wouldn't get off him
We ain't doin' no more marchin, it's time to get retarded

The lyrics reveal that Brooks is well-versed in black racial ideology.
For example, "Babylon" is a Rastafarian concept, which according to the Smithsonian is defined as "the historically white-European colonial and imperialist power structure which has oppressed Blacks and other peoples of color." 
In another song, titled "Loudmouths," Brooks refers to himself as a terrorist.  
On social media, Brooks spent years regularly indulging fantasies of enslaving and committing violence against white people.  
One meme posted in 2015 features a black man whipping white people who are picking cotton while a smiling Martin Luther King looks down from the sky. 
In a more violent Facebook message posted in June 2020, Brooks openly urged his hundreds of fans to go out and commit violence against random white people, including and especially the vulnerable "...we start bakk knokkin white ppl, TF out ion wanna hear it.. the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD!"
The Waukesha car attack suspect's rising extremism and open calls to terrorism were ignored by both local and federal law enforcement, even as he continued to commit violent crimes and interact with the criminal justice system throughout the period. 
Waukesha's Black Police Chief Shares Many Of The Alleged Attackers Political Beliefs  
So far, the press have refused to authenticate Brooks as Mathboi or comment on the likelihood that race played a decision in his decision to attack the crowd. 
This may be thanks in part to the dubious leaks reported in the mainstream media out of the Waukesha police department, which claim that Brooks was fleeing from a knife attack and that the car may have plowed through the crowd by accident. 
Daniel Thompson, who is black, serves as the police chief of Waukesha, in spite of the fact that the city is 89% white
There is no evidence that Thompson provided the knife attack story to reporters, but his objectivity in overseeing investigation should be scrutinized due to his personal support for the ideology Brooks espoused. 
Just months after being made Waukesha's police chief, Thompson helped lead a Black Lives Matter march in June 2020, which included one instance where he had his officers kneel alongside the angry, anti-white and anti-police crowd. 
There are still numerous loose ends regarding the car attack. What is not up for debate is the fact that the alleged attacker was a fervent black racial ideologue inspired by Black Lives Matter who repeatedly made terroristic threats in his music and fantasized about harming white people right out in the open.

Of course, the most egregious case of a hare crime not being named a hate crime, was this horrendous bit of Americana......


Channon Christian and Chris Newsom Jr. were leaving for a party.
They stopped outside of his SUV for a quick hug before taking off. That was when they were carjacked at gunpoint.
Christian and Newsom had their hands tied behind them and were driven to Lemaricus Davidson's house.
Newsom was raped at the house and had objects inserted into him. Eventually, they led him outside on a dog leash to some railroad tracks where he was executed. His body was set on fire. He was the first to die.
The males in the group then returned to the house and sexually tortured Christian for about 20 hours. Her body was far beyond the result of a simple sexual assault and was considered "extreme," according to the M.E.
One defendant claimed she pleaded for her life saying she, "didn't want to die." I won't get into the specifics of what they did. Inquiring minds can research it on their own.
In order to remove their DNA evidence, the defendants poured bleach down her throat and scrubbed her body, including her mutilated genital area. They then tied her up, covered her head with a trash bag and then her body in five more, and placed her in a waste disposal unit where she slowly suffocated.
The five defendants were caught due to some very dumb things they did, such as using Newsome's cell phone and wearing his clothes.
The female of the group, Vanessa Coleman, wrote in her journal that she was so happy to be in Knoxville. This was written the day after these events. Coleman was present throughout the crime and was guarding Christian while the men murdered Newsome.
Last night was one of a kind. We stayed w/a crackhead that is cool as hell. It snowed a lil bit but it's already melted. Let's talk about adventures! I had one HELL OF AN ADVENTURE since I've been in the big T.N. [I]t's a crazy world these days! But I love the fun adventures [and] lessons that I've learned. It[']s going to be a long interesting year!
Most of these criminals will never leave prison, or if they do they'll be very old men and women. One if facing lethal injection.
The crime received little attention in the national media. Many feel that the crimes were ignored because the victims were white and the criminals were all black.
The defendants were not charged with having committed hate crimes because the police chief there was "no evidence to support that this was a race based crime."
Newsom's mother stated that, "It may have started out as a carjacking, but what it developed into was blacks hating whites. To do the things they did, they would have to hate them to do that." Not too many people have heard of this crime. It does not fit the narrative of the main stream media.
Not only were the victims in this case the subject of what appears to be a racist attack, but they were also victims of the main stream media's racist indifference towards them because they were white.


Anonymous said...

Brooks being allowed to post this stuff is outrageous,while Whites get banned for suggesting the work ethic or intelligence of blacks is below average and their predilection to crime is above.

I'm for all free speech,but you can't allow Brooks to go full blown racist,and at the same time, shut Whites up as they try to argue valid points against allowing blacks a free reign over them.


Anonymous said...

"One meme posted in 2015 features a black man whipping white people who are picking cotton while a smiling Martin Luther King looks down from the sky. "


Anonymous said...

Waukesha is 89 % white but they have a negro poo-leese chief?

The obligatory negro poo-leese chief. Yes indeed!!

Anonymous said...

The thing is,Whites have always willingly worked at anything--any physical labor--no whip needed. blacks,however,slow motion that they are,needed encouragement.Whites have worked farms for generations--very physical work.blacks preferred the old shady tree,to be away from the hot sun while enjoying a piece of watermelon or two.Quite the difference in styles all throughout history.


Anonymous said...

"Most of these criminals will never leave prison, or if they do they'll be very old men and women. One if facing lethal injection."

NOT a one of them MUST ever leave prison no matter how old they are. Even if the one guy sentenced to death finally executed these devils must NEVER get out. Not a one of them and no matter what.