Sunday, May 14, 2023

RFK Jr.: "expand legal immigration"

By Jesse Mossman
mon, may 8, 2023 11:38 a.m.

RFK Jr: "expand legal immigration"

Some of us welcome the light RFK Jr. sheds on the fake vaccine and the efforts of powerful men like Bill Gates and large corporations to steal our freedom. However, he cannot be trusted on the environment, gun rights, and now immigration. He says he wants to expand legal immigration. The only reason for expanded legal immigration is to provide cheaper labor for corporations--at the expense of White jobs and wages--and to increase the number of leftist Democrat voters. He said, "I would expand legal immigration to this country..." No, we need an immigration moratorium.


Anonymous said...

Which is why DeSantis has the correct answer.
FINITO the invasion.

Anonymous said...

"However, he cannot be trusted on the environment, gun rights, and now immigration."

Yes, he's clearly a typical liberal. Also a big believer in "climate change". Some years ago (during the Obama admin I think) he chained himself to the WH fence to call attention to "climate change". So he'll likely be all-in on that agenda.

Anonymous said...

His comments all are making Biden look like a fool. Which Biden is. And you might expect junior to do rather well in the primaries than expected. Don't be surprised.