Monday, May 08, 2023

Port-a-potty wars break out in the progressive paradise of pdx, and so-called progressive liberals show their true colors

By Jerry PDX
monday, may 8, 2023 at 12:01:00 p.m. edt

Port-a-potty wars break out in the progressive paradise of pdx, and so-called progressive liberals show their true colors:

This whole affair is rich with irony… the neighborhoods cited in the article are liberal strongholds, the kind of neighborhoods that form voting blocks that swing elections the way of far-left ideologues like Brown, Kotek, Adams, Hales, Wheeler, et. al...the very politicians responsible for allowing homelessness to spiral out of control. These are also the kind of people who use “nimby” as an epithet against conservatives every chance they get, but when portapotties for the homeless pop up in front of their house, suddenly they get nimby themselves and take direct action against the very politicos they elected!

I’ve attended a few of these neighborhood meetings about homeless services being placed in residential neighborhoods, and it’s amusing watching these so-called progressives crying bitterly about homeless camps next to their homes and the city setting up a network of services designed to make those encampments a permanent fixture. Hypocrites, yes, but I still don’t blame them a bit, who wants homeless crapping and peeing in front of your home?


Anonymous said...

They are at least there are porta-potties. Bet the homeless don't even bother to use them.

Anonymous said...


I doubt the people opposed to and vandalizing the toilet are "hypocrites". They are more likely people who've been opposed to all the nonsense that has led up to this.

[“I thought our community would be proud of how we are helping our neighbors experiencing homelessness,” said Hafer, a spokeswoman for the city office that oversees the homelessness aid program.]

It's people like Heather Hafer who are responsible. The incremental tolerance espoused by her and others (mostly women) has resulted in an unending, gradual degradation in the quality of life for ordinary people, now right in their own neighborhoods. They've just had enough.

Apparently Hafer is long-time "public servant", someone whose "public service" has only served to make things worse for normal people. But she is probably paid very well and will enjoy a very comfortable retirement at the expense of the people whose lives she has made worse.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some liberals are learning,--maybe.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
They do use them, maybe not all but many do, they also trash them in the process. The city puts out about 150 potties for homeless and very soon every one is trashed by the homeless. The article suggested homeowners are vandalizing the potties but ignores the fact that all of them get trashed, even the ones in areas away from homeowners and businesses. So the trashing happens anyways, but the potties getting dragged away and dumped into empty lots is definitely a pissed off homeowner. It's understandable, in a short period of time a homeless potty turns into a graffiti covered, feces and urine encrusted eyesore with the door hanging open and drug paraphernalia scattered around. Completely understandable people don't want them in front of their homes or in their neighborhoods.
Of course if you ask a homeless about the trashing of the potties, they'll say it's not them that do it, it's some other homeless, but every one of them says that.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I did consider that even the liberal stronghold neighborhoods of pdx could have more conservative mindsets here and there, and some of those certainly they could be responsible for the more extreme acts but the sight of a homeless port a potty in front of a house can bend the minds of even many hardcore liberals. That's why I mentioned my experience of attending neighborhood meetings re these port a potties, they were packed and highly emotional and unlike any other "progressive" issue, 90% of the attendees were dead set against those potties being put into their neighborhoods. I never heard so many qualifiers: "I support BLM and this that and the other progressive cause BUT...I truly care about homeless BUT....
So yeah, they are hypocrites, they care about their liberal agenda but when it affects their home values, their kids are stepping over drug paraphernalia and feces ...basically, it directly affect THEM and not somebody else, they don't really care at all, they just want it to be somebody else's problem.

Anonymous said...

"I did consider that ..."

Ok, "if you say so".

"So yeah, they are hypocrites, ..."

Obviously, *you couldn't possibly know* whether the *specific people* damaging and removing the toilets are "hypocrites" or not.

But it's no surprise that you doubled down.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I don't know for certrain "who" is stealing the potties and what their personal ideology is but I'm going by the odds here, and also when I say they are hypocrites, I'm talking about the neighborhood people in general, and the fact they aren't rising up in unison to protest the poor homeless being denied toilet facilities. They wouldn't hesitate if it were a BLM type of issue. Nor surprising you didn't get that. Besides being here and having actual interaction with people in the neighborhoods, I certainly have a far better idea than you. It's even less surprising that you doubled down, despite not having any personal knowledge of what's going on around here. So yeah, they are hypocrites.