Thursday, May 04, 2023

PGPD releases images of 3 masked teens attempting to murder 14-year-old boy on school bus

Thu, May 4, 2023 10:25 pm

PGPD releases images of 3 masked teens attempting to murder 14-year-old boy on school bus


Anonymous said...

"When these young people are apprehended, let me just say they must be held accountable. No ifs, ands, or buts. They must be held accountable,” Alsobrooks said.

“We will not live under siege,” she said.
Alsobrooks said that spiking youth violence needs to be addressed at the root.

GRA:The Alex Haley "Root"?Or the root you dig up out of the ground and discard while keeping the good stuff?Or both.

Dey looks blackie to me.


Anonymous said...

1st degree attempted murder by a group of teens. How worse can it get and we all know much worse, as hard at may seem to be.