Thursday, May 04, 2023

active shooter is no immediate threat to the public? (With addendum)

By “W”
thu, may 4, 2023 2:43 p.m.

active shooter is no immediate threat to the public?

What are they trying to say here?

This popped up as breaking news while I was watching a live stream concert by the academic symphony orchestra of St. Petersburg.

N.S.: This practice has become routine across the country. A few months ago, Grand Rapids Anonymous reported on a local double murder of hispanic, illegal gangsters. The police asserted that there was no danger to the public. Two days later, there was another double murder by hispanic, illegal gangsters, in retaliation.

I don't know what goes through the minds of fake policemen when they say these things, the same empty uniforms who always deny that racially motivated black-on-White murders were racially motivated, but what goes through the minds of honest civilians is something like this: You have no credibility whatsoever. You are a pathetic, clock-punching slave of black supremacists and their "allies," and fancy yourself my overseer. I don't care what happens to you, I hope they defund you (but only if they give the savings to White taxpayers), and you can go to hell.

And as for those who would claim that I'd run to the phone to dial 911, in case of trouble, I haven't dialed 911 or the local precinct in over ten years. The last time I caught a black prowler in my lobby about ten years ago at 3:40 p.m., I hit five or six extensions at the local precinct house (the 1-0-0 precinct), but nobody ever picked up. When I called 911, and explained the refusal of service, the black female operator said she was sending a squad car, to take a report, but she never sent anybody.

Since december, three times blacks impersonating deliverymen or salesmen have attempted home invasions on us. We live like prisoners.


Anonymous said...

The blacks,who SHOULD BE prisoners,instead have,in the big cities,at least,possibly the most freedom in the history of this country:near total freedom to commit crimes,which cause Whites to have to barricade up like the prisoners the blacks should be.They have 100% freedom of speech to lie and incite violence as well.



Anonymous said...

"no immediate threat to the public?"

Perhaps they said that because it was quickly pretty clear the killer was among the dead. He killed himself. A black male who shot a white female manager at the local McDonalds, and then shot himself. I think he also killed a couple of his relatives before he went to McDonalds. He used to work at the McDonalds. The manager he killed may have fired him.