Friday, May 05, 2023

Animal Control: Good Samaritan takes down poc shoplifter leaving store with arms full of stolen swag

By Merlin
fri, may 5, 2023 9:24 a.m.

Animal Control: Good Samaritan takes down poc shoplifter leaving store with arms full of stolen swag.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Guy had some good self control when he didn't hit her back, he was a big guy though and had the strength to restrain her. I do have to wonder if he could still get into trouble because she hadn't actually left the store with her stolen goods, I doubt she will be charged with anything because of that and may be able to sue him for some kind of assault. He should have waited until she walked out the door.

Anonymous said...

We know what's going to happen here:
black police chief:
"We cannot condone vigilantism by certain(White) customers against black customers--who may or may not be shoplifting.We have therefore--y'all--decided to arrest this male for assault and battery,in the hopes of deterring similar action by others(Whites)."

GRA:Where was this?


Anonymous said...

A bit risky. They could have been armed.

It was a black female who shot and killed the white male Home Depot employee not long ago in a similar situation:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
In Texas 1st grade boys "force a girl to perform sex acts" in class and record it on an iPad in:

What do you think the odds are that the perps are black or Mex?

Note the wording in the article, they refuse to use words like sexual assault or rape. We'll never get photos of the perps but as far as I'm concerned if you're able to commit high level sex crimes, then you're able to have you face and name splashed all over the newspapers.

School officials are playing the usual stonewalling games with the parents of the victims who want action, another tip off about the likely race of the perps.

Black boys learn early on how to be sexually aggressive, I've observed behaviors in 5-6 yr. olds black kids that would be defined as predatory if it were adult males, especially White ones but people try to laugh it off or make excuses.

Anonymous said...

blacks love to record rapes and murders--AND POST THEM!This is why?
a)They are that stupid.
b)They believe that blacks are so immune from criticism by the media,public and pols that no one will follow up on a video to arrest them(delusional).

c)deluded and stupid(throw in sociopathic also.)

Anonymous said...


Video: 'Good Samaritan' Who Attacked T.J. Maxx Shoplifter In Cali Just Wanted An Excuse To Assault A Black Woman
Candace McDuffie
Tue, May 2, 2023 at 3:53 PM EDT·2 min read
Screenshot: ABC 7
Screenshot: ABC 7
Disturbing video footage has been circulating of a T.J. Maxx customer in Mira Loma, California assaulting a Black woman who apparently tried to leave with handbags she didn’t pay for.

In the clip, two Black women in hoodies load up on merchandise and attempt to flee the store. One woman gets away, but a man stops the second suspected shoplifter and reaches for her bags. Shortly after, a violent altercation ensues.

A witness told ABC 11 that the incident happened Sunday around 1:30 p.m. During the struggle, the customer apparently punches her, pulls her hair and throws her to the ground. The woman is able to leave the store but without the bags she tried to take. A report was eventually filed by law enforcement and so far, no arrests have been made.

GRA:The "tom toms" are beating however--just like they are for Daniel Pearl.