Monday, September 05, 2022

witchcraft in America

Re-posted by N.S.

Steve Sailer quoting nature operative Elizabeth Gibney:

“George Floyd’s death in 2020, and other times that police have killed black people, have made people more aware that something needs to be done. many institutions and organizations have started paying attention to dei issues and to the climate in the workplace.”

JackD: “I love the magical thinking. Even assuming that cops are especially targeting blacks for death (an extremely dubious proposition but let’s go with it) what the hell does that have to do with having more black physicists? George Floyd died so that blacks with 550 sats could get jobs in physics labs? does not follow.

“today I was watching the bbc and they had a piece about camps for women accused of witchcraft in ghana. let’s say you are living in a village in ghana and there is an older woman that you don’t like for some reason – it could even be one of your relatives. perhaps you covet her hut or she has lent you money and you don’t want to pay it back. you approach the village chief and accuse her of witchcraft. you mention to him that one of your other relatives has recently died and that this woman caused her death (not by any physical means but by black magic, by wishing it). perhaps you give the chief a gift as a token of your respect to him. the village chief then orders that the woman be expelled from the village and she has no choice but to go live in one of the witch camps. there is no process for appeal.

“I get the feeling that the same process is going on in the u.s. eventually all the White people will be accused of witchcraft (in America this is called ‘racism’) and be expelled and it will make about the same amount of sense.”


Anonymous said...

Fine analogy.It's all about "controlling" what the White man does,thinks and says.

And these are Whites(aligned with blacks)behind it!

Go figure.


Anonymous said...

This needs to be repeated over and over. About one to two dozen at the most unarmed negro men killed by the cops each year. At that exact moment of their contact with the cops the vast preponderance of the negro men doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. Only then too making matters much worse for themselves by not cooperating with the cops and being defiant when they didn't need to be. And also in many cases unarmed but then trying to run the cop over with an automobile.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Looks like Liz Truss, conservative party politician,is set to be sworn in as the UK's next Prime Minister:

The cynical Breitbart article is suggesting she is more of the same old same old despite being a conservative party candidate. I checked out her stance on immigration and she's issued a lot of tough talk about having a hard line on immigration:

I don't think she's being nearly tough enough but a politician does have to be careful about being too extreme or they won't get the support needed to get into office. Is she just another globalist tool "fake conservative" politician? Or is she finally the real deal? I hope so for the sake of whatever is left of the real Britain but I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

"I don't think she's being nearly tough enough but a politician does have to be careful about being too extreme or they won't get the support needed to get into office."

Another Margaret Thatcher she will not be. But you easily surmise no one will ever be able to equal to surpass Maggie.