Saturday, September 03, 2022

White “conservatives” pander to blacks; so what else is new?

By N.S.

[Re: “african founders, American liberty.”]

“but these distinct african cultures did not remain distinct unto themselves. they blended with the regional cultures of the colonists who enslaved them, leaving indelible marks on each of these regions and on American notions of freedom and liberty.”

N.S.: the colonists didn’t enslave them, the african chiefs who had conquered them in war enslaved them. and they left no positive imprints on American notions of liberty.

“even at its most survivable, slavery made little room for literacy or the personal written records that literacy generates.”

N.S.: nonsense. none of these [black] groups had ever been literate as free men.

“… the real rock of offense will be Fischer’s contention that liberty is the story of our african founders, and that liberty blended them with American founders.

N.S.: we had no “african founders.” The notion that we did is the stuff of pandering and/or outright lying.

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