Saturday, September 03, 2022

urgent: trinity school nyc places director Jennifer Norris on paid leave as a result of project veritas video

-----Original Message-----
From: Project Veritas <>
To: Nicholas Stix <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 2, 2022 9:23 p.m.

URGENT: Trinity School NYC Places Director Jennifer Norris on Paid Leave as a Result of Project Veritas Video

Project Veritas
Veritas Logo

Dear Nicholas,

Trinity School NYC has just released the following statement:

Trinity School response.jpg
Trinity SchoolSeptember 2, 2022Dear Members of the Trinity School Community,
Regrettably, Trinity School and Upper School Director of Student Activities Ginn Norris have become the focus of media attention as the result of video recordings of Ms. Norris that were made without her knowledge or permission by someone who misrepresented himself. While the circumstances surrounding the recordings are deeply disturbing, and we are profoundly troubled by the reprehensible way Ms. Norris and our school community were targeted, we are treating this matter with the utmost seriousness. Importantly, the sentiments expressed in the video do not reflect the mission or values of Trinity School. Accordingly, the School is retaining outside counsel to conduct an independent investigation. Ms. Norris will be placed on paid leave while this investigation is underway. As part of this process, in conjunction with the work of our outside advisors, we will also review school protocols and practices that are in place to ensure that we are living up to our determination to build a more inclusive community.

This is a profoundly difficult moment, but we remain determined to model our conduct on our inspiring mission and the ideals of respect, belonging, and open inquiry that are embedded in it. Most recently, a letter sent to families just this Wednesday offered fresh language to express our core values: We care for one another. We listen and learn. We seek and speak the truth. We serve the common good. Every member of the Trinity School community knows these words speak straight to the heart of our daily efforts and aspirations, and it is important to remind ourselves, over and over again, that our community stands for and strives to live up to higher ideals — love, respect, and inclusion.
When the investigation is completed, we will communicate further with our community. We appreciate your patience and support while this work is underway.

John Allman, Head of School

David Perez, President of the Board of Trustees

Wow. Both Jennifer Norris and Jeremy Boland have been placed on leave IN THE SAME WEEK as a self effectuating process following Project Veritas' investigations.
The New York media is paying close attention, too.

Here is what the New York Post published last night:

Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 7.20.57 PM.png

Nicholas, this is just the beginning.

Stay tuned for media fallout going into next week. This is what impact looks like.


Wishing you a great Labor Day Weekend,

Project Veritas Team



Anonymous said...

Notice though, they try to minimize this propagandist bitch's behavior by alluding to the "deeply disturbing " nature of the videos, and then qualify the internal investigation by playing the victim card with "the reprehensible way Ms. Norris and our school community were targeted ".
Ms Norris had no expectation of privacy here, and if this bullshit is going down under your noses at this school, you should not be educating children.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The video of this woman Jennifer Norris is kind of a hoot, watch her body language, eyes and the tone of her voice. I think she had the hots for the guy interviewing her and was trying to impress him. Not that what she was saying wasn't true, she is no doubt trying to indoctrinate children into her Woke ideology but it shows what you can do if you get a good looking guy to interview a chubby middle aged woman, stuff will spill out of her that might not otherwise. Still, very disturbing when you think about how many teachers out there are doing the same thing that she is. Her comments about "White boys" were mindless, she's saying that White boys felt entitled to speak out more, but what's the percentage of Whites in an upper crust private school like that? 95% White? Wouldn't there likely be more Whites that "speak out" simply because there are overwhelmingly more of them? And notice she didn't say "what" they were speaking out about, she doesn't believe Whites (especially males) should be able to speak out about anything, they should just sit in silence and never voice their opinion.

Anonymous said...

Veritas is the best. More of it. 1-2-3 many Veritas. How easy to trip those people up too. Those people.

Anonymous said...

Trinity School NYC Places Director Jennifer Norris on Paid Leave as a Result of Project Veritas Video---until they can figure out how to fix the optics.


Anonymous said...

This O'Keefe is the modern day version of the Scarlet Pimpernel.