Wednesday, September 07, 2022

the race hoax du jour: massachusetts (of course!) woman (of course!!) of color (of course!!!) accuses bar of racism

By Anonymous
wednesday, september 7, 2022 at 8:37:00 p.m. edt

Here's an absolutely hilarious story about a massachusetts (of course!) woman (of course!!) of color (of course!!!) accusing a bar of racism:


Anonymous said...

Nope-not me.


Anonymous said...

OH, colors as worn on the jackets of the bikers. What person-of-color would WANT to go into a bar full of bikers? Black Angels rule is what she needs. I am not sure if Black Angels are affiliated with the Hell's Angels. Probably not.

Anonymous said...

"No colored." "No colors." The former correct. The latter not. The negro is so stupid sometimes. Reality doesn't count however. Rather perception of reality counts.

And no, the colored shouldn't really go into a bar full of whitey bikers drinking.