Sunday, September 04, 2022

spree stabbings leave 10 dead, 15 wounded in Saskatchewan

Sun, Sep 4, 2022 6:51 pm

daily mail: Canadian police: 10 dead, 15 injured from stabbings

On Sunday, September 4, 2022, 5:48 PM, [deleted] wrote:
More vindication on what I've said for decades! 

Canadian police: 10 dead, 15 injured from stabbings

A series of stabbings in two communities in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan left 10 people dead and 15 wounded, authorities said Sunday. Police are looking for two suspects.
Read in Daily Mail:


Anonymous said...

Muslims...blacks...or black Muslims?Very tough to choose.I'll go with A.


Anonymous said...

American Indians Canadian style. Metis half breeds.