Friday, September 02, 2022

Max Boot on "the real America" (graphic)


Anonymous said...

Most of the country--in land mass--is red.However,the most populated parts of the country--a small percentage of actual area--is filled with blacks,Mex and queers(with lib Whites thrown in).

The COUNTRY is 85% red--but the big CITIES(15%) are blue.You see an election map and it becomes clear.
Small towns,which make up a huge percentage of cities in the USA--are also red(because they're 90-100% White.)


Anonymous said...

Nobody ever said MAGA had an EXCLUSIVE claim.

Anonymous said...

"The COUNTRY is 85% red--but the big CITIES(15%) are blue"

The control of six major cities USA can get you the Presidency. Win the vote in those six cities and you win the state those six major cities are located in. Win those states and you have more than half the electoral votes to win the Presidency.