Tuesday, September 06, 2022

let’s invent a new term for the side effects caused by mrna crap

[Previously: “‘I’m sorry, something is going on with me this morning’: oklahoma news anchor suffers a STROKE live on air as she stumbles over her words.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 1:02:00 a.m. edt

Let’s invent a new term for the side effects caused by mrna crap: vaxxinitis.

Well, maybe not—now that I see it, the term doesn’t look provocative enough for the death and health problems it causes.

Vaxxoma—looks more sinister.

Vaxxataxia—what do you think? By reading it, you get “Vaxx attacks ya.”

I like that one.


N.S.: Me, too, GRA. Me, too.


Anonymous said...

A number of large Chinese cities under lock down again. Here we go again.

Anonymous said...

Note that California legislators just passed a law that forbids doctors from telling the truth about the vax or offering treatments that work. Doctors would lose their licenses for putting the interests of their patients ahead of the criminals in government and drug companies. California is no longer American--now watch to see if Anytwosome Newsome signs it. This on top of outlawing sales of internal combustion engine vehicles in the near future--at the same time running out of electricity to charge them or run appliances. AND requiring houses to run on electricity rather than natural gas. Look for such insanity to spread across the country like cancer. Of course some say it is not insanity, not stupidity--it is a deliberate attempt to bring down our country.

Anonymous said...

This winter will go a long way in accomplishing the last 4 words of 6:13pm's comment.

Natural gas prices are poised to explode in Europe--and we will tag along into record territory.

20 million people are supposedly behind on electric bills(source:ZH),so do they(low income types)get disconnected from utilities like heat and power--and if they do,what is going to happen?
Riots--mass murder?

OR will Biden pay the black and Mex bills to avoid that outcome?