Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Cleotha Abston, Eliza Fletcher, and our evil criminal justice system

[Re: “prison joke.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, September 5, 2022 at 10:32:00 p.m. edt

In Abston’s case, falling down the stairs isn’t enough. As I said, cbs reported that there’s surveillance video OF THE ABDUCTION—and “it was extremely violent.”

The way it’s decided which sociopath gets released—and when—is a crime in itself. NONE of the criminals who exhibit the behavior this ni**er has in the past, should ever be let out of prison.

Or you have a country—like we have now—where it’s unsafe to live near ANY blacks.

You just don't know, if the one walking or driving by you, is nuts or not (assume—yes.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man is just plain evil. Anyone so says there isn't evil in this world obviously not has not met a Cleotha. Cleotha? I wish the colored would stop giving their kids names like that.