Tuesday, September 06, 2022

just who is responsible for law and order in memphis? oh; sorry I asked

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 9:44:00 p.m. edt

The police chief of memphis is named C.J. Davis. Check out this memphis pd page, where she is prominently displayed:


Not a White in sight in the photos, just her and plenty of other negroes. Check out her resume, filled with woke, racist b.s., exactly what many pds seem to be looking for nowadays. How hard do you think she’ll work to mitigate Abston’s guilt?


Anonymous said...

Who the hell put all the blacks in charge of our police departments?Any city where a crime of murder occurs,the chief of police steps up for a presser--and is almost assuredly black--with very few Whites.

Are blacks more qualified than Whites?Of course not,but thanks for asking.

Affirmative action gone beserk? YES--and thanks for asking that one too.


Anonymous said...

"Take home cars". Police cars I assume. Not a good idea in the current hostile police environment. The bad guys know where to find the cops without doing a whole lot of research. Go after your famblee too.

Female negress police chief very popular idea. Portland and then Philly. Memphis too.

Anonymous said...

The negress police chief. The archetype Danielle Outlaw in Portland PDX. Danielle failed in Portland and promptly got a job in Philly where the situation is now worse.

Failure is an option. OH, most of those police chiefs are administrators. Not beat cops.