Wednesday, September 07, 2022

grooming your kids: american library association scrubs incriminating webpage with instructions for secretly pushing lgbt messaging on children at public libraries

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 7, 2022 10:58 p.m.

american library association scrubs incriminating webpage with instructions for secretly pushing lgbt messaging on children at public libraries

"There is an agenda." - Paul Craig Roberts


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I've posted about this many times and pointed out the quite overt displays at local bookstores of LGBTQ propaganda directed at children. Same at the public library though the displays are a little more subdued, but they also set up gay themed displays for the kids to see. Nothing secret about it, right out there for everybody to see.

Anonymous said...

That has always been a question of mine. Are the liberals good hearted persons well meaning and well intentioned who just go about things the wrong way or are they persons with a hidden agenda, sinister even. I guess we can more than guess what the answer is and with 100 % certainty.