Saturday, September 03, 2022

officials at the landon school in montgomery county, maryland, condemn the behavior displayed by its students — including singing a racial slur — inside a metro train in a viral video

Sat, Sep 3, 2022 9:39 p.m.
officials at the landon school in montgomery county, maryland, condemn the behavior displayed by its students — including singing a racial slur — inside a metro train in a viral video.

Landon School 'deeply concerned' after video shows students using racial slur on Metro - WTOP News
Look at the Twitter handle.

I betcha the Landon School has placards emblazoned with "Celebrate DIE-versity" scattered all over its campus.


Anonymous said...

"José Umaña is a digital editor for WTOP. He’s been working as a journalist for almost a decade."

GRA:You have an obese Mex writing stories about Whites being "racist".

You know,in the old days,before everyone was pussified about race or ethnicity,ethnic jokes happened to be some of the best humor out there. I remember buying books titled:"The Best Polish Joke Book","Ethnic Jokes" and others--reading them for hours of laughs.

I just googled "black jokes" and instead of actual jokes,I was presented a list of articles claiming racial jokes aren't funny--zero jokes on page one.However,Google noted,jokes told by blacks at Whites expense ARE deemed funny--and permitted.

Here's one they don't approve of:

"A black woman was admitted into a hospital for pregnancy termination. Two weeks later,she received a check for $5,000.When she called the hospital,to find out who the check was from,they said,"Crimestoppers."


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The Woke would say: It's OK to joke about Whites because you're punching up, when you make jokes about blacks, who we've been picking on since forever (not true), you're punching down.
Just how condescending is that? I guarantee that 99% of black comedians would agree with that.

Good joke though, this is my contribution:

"A Chinese couple had a black baby, so they named it Sum Ting Wong"

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
They're singing along to a rap song that contains the is that racist? They didn't just say the word for no reason, they did exactly what the song was put out for, so people could listen and sing a long with it, just like all songs on the radio. They're really stretching on this one but that's what they do nowadays, find racism in anything and everything.

Anonymous said...

It's dictating to Whites--pure and simple. They want to control White behavior,White opinions,White movements in the country.That means,no "black jokes" or discussing black crime--and no protests concerning what blacks are doing at the moment.

The place where blacks are right now--as compared to 30 years ago--they want to have the same progress from here--30 years from now.

Not good for Whites--or the country(if there's one left.)


Anonymous said...

Couldn't hear a thing. The slur is "nigga"? Colored say it all the time. The slur is never mentioned by the media. You just must KNOW what the slur is. Yo' yo' yo'.

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