Tuesday, September 06, 2022

family of White mom of two and teacher, Eliza Fletcher, who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered in a racist hate crime on friday, finally speak: blah, blah, blah (no rage, just submission and resignation)

Eliza Fletcher and her husband, Richard

By N.S.

“family of heiress Eliza Fletcher breaks silence after discovery of body

“the family of murdered memphis heiress Eliza Fletcher said tuesday they were destroyed by the discovery of her remains and asked people to focus on ‘how special’ the teacher and mom of two was.”

“Fletcher vanished after an early morning jog on Friday.”

Correction: Fletcher vanished during an early morning jog on Friday.

I don’t know why media outlets do this. When a perp harms someone, they routinely say the crime was committed after some incident. ‘He was killed after a dispute,’ as if the incident were over, and the perp decided, ‘Oh, let’s go back and kill him.’ No, he was killed during a dispute. Still better, since “dispute” is just cop b.s. designed to introduce moral equivalence into the crime: ‘Out of nowhere, the perp cursed him out and killed him.’


Anonymous said...

Correct. The argument. The dispute. The altercation. Words. Etc. Never the perpetrator is evil and did not seem sort of stimuli to "lose it".

Anonymous said...

The only dispute was that Eliza Fletcher wanted to live and the nig said she couldn't.


Anonymous said...

Negress police chief.



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
At least one member of the perps family isn't circling the wagons and defending his own kind. Uncle of Abston says the whole family is wacky and is a 100% sure his nephew was involved: https://nypost.com/2022/09/06/eliza-fletcher-suspects-uncle-says-whole-family-is-wacky/
He still could have used a stronger word than "wacky", if you produce someone so evil they rape and murder a young woman, you're something else entirely.

David In TN said...

Tucker Carlson had an excellent opening commentary on the Eliza Fletcher murder. Tucker observed, "On social media Biden voters are complaining about too much attention to a White woman victim."

The show is repeated at 1 am ET. The segment on Eliza Fletcher took eight minutes. Tucker Carlson is the only "conservative" media personality to mention the crime to my knowledge.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Police chief of Memphis is named CJ Davis. Check out this Memphis PD page where she is prominently displayed: https://memphispolice.org/about/chief-message/
Not a White in sight on the photos, just her and plenty of other negroes. Check out her resume, filled with Woke racist BS, exactly what many PD's seem to be looking for nowadays. How hard do you think she'll work to mitigate Abston's guilt?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Whatever attention Eliza Fletcher gets, it won't be a fraction of the attention that George Floyd got (or is still currently getting), or Michael Brown, or Treyvon Martin, or etc.

Anonymous said...

Every city I see has a black chief if PO-lice.Grand Rapids had one,but he retired before he exploded out of his uniform--due to
being 300 lb(and gaining.)

Now we have a White chief who doesn't say much--except when there's a nasty murder--which is about once every week and a half.The clock is probably ticking on him before he resigns to allow ANOTHER black in as chief.


Anonymous said...

I read that she was a billionaire. Too bad she didn't use some of that money to hire a body guard--at least when running in an area with blacks. That kind of money could have hired an ex-Navy SEAL to jog with her. Or she could have carried a small handgun. When I got married I moved out of Seattle so my wife could walk safely.

Anonymous said...

She was a remarkable person. Heiress but a school teacher. She really will be missed. I wish a lot more like her in the world. You don't even have to had known her to realize that.