Friday, September 02, 2022

exclusive: proof that the top israeli health minister lied to the fda and the people of israel about the vaccines

By R.C.
Fri, Sep 2, 2022 2:56 p.m.

exclusive: proof that the top israeli health minister lied to the fda and the people of israel about the vaccines


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile,all the networks are pushing the newly approved vaxx for Omicron,by saying,"jabs are already going into arms."

They like saying things like that.It's only been one day,but to hear them describe it, it's as if you're falling behind the rest of the country because you haven't been injected yet:

"What are you WAITING for?Roll up that sleeve--get that jab--HURRY,HURRY,HURRY!"

Yet,media has no reports of the increase of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome--which can only be attributed to the vaxx--causing people to drop dead at a rate that insurance companies have noted--and has not dropped back to pre-pandemic levels.

So I'll roll the dice again--skip the vaxx--and see what happens.There's only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it--at best--and that's if you have a lot of different people around you constantly.

F the FDA.


Anonymous said...

Not just fired. How about being indicted for mass murder and arrested.