Friday, September 16, 2022

breaking news: massachusetts activates 125 national guardsmen to support 50 illegal migrants in martha’s vineyard

-----Original Message-----
From: Daily Caller <>
Fri, Sep 16, 2022 11:49 a.m.

breaking: massachusetts activates 125 national guardsmen to support 50 illegal migrants in martha's vineyard

'The island communities are not equipped'
16 SEPTEMBER 2022View in Browser

Massachusetts Activates 125 National Guardsmen To Support 50 Illegal Migrants In Martha's Vineyard
massachusetts activates 125 national guardsmen to support 50 illegal migrants in martha's vineyard
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Anonymous said...

They could make some tree houses and live in THEM--right on the street they're standing on..


Anonymous said...

This is so funny. And these governors did get the attention of persons whom they wanted to get the attention of. It did work as a superb. Also these are the same actions liberals, activists and progressive leftists like to do all the time. Tit for tat. How you all like it.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The left is creating a whole new narrative for what Texas guv is doing:
So sending these invaders to lush plush Martha's Vineyard is kidnapping but the ones that get sent to low income neighborhoods with gangs, high rates of violence and shoddy housing is "not kidnapping"? The mind of a leftist is a strange thing to behold.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
After my last comment I then spot this:

This proves the "benevolence" of progressives, the church and community doors fly open and Martha Vineyard people love to help (for a whopping 50 people)....Really? Let's see how "benevolent" they will be if boats started washing up on shore with 10's of thousands of sub Saharan African and Muslim men all claiming to be escaping "extreme violence". Southern Europe says: Welcome to our world.

Note Hillary says: Nobody wants open borders.

Yes, Hillary, there are people that do. George Soros does and is spending billions every year to make his dream come true.

Anonymous said...

Conservative organizations and rich conservatives should buy houses across the nation that are right next to prominent leftists--and fill them with Mexicans, and other border crossers. Maybe then the wall would be finished and the Border Patrol would stamp out the invasion.