Monday, September 05, 2022

"body found in hunt for 'kidnapped' billionaire heiress: large police presence, as helicopter circles around heavily wooded area just a hundred yards away from suspect's brother's house

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Sep 5, 2022 9:59 p.m.

body found in hunt for 'kidnapped' billionaire heiress: Large police presence as helicopter circles around heavily wooded area just a hundred yards away from suspect's brother's house


Anonymous said...

You can be a billionaire's daughter,or a pauper,but the lesson--as always--is:DO NOT allow--even the most remote possibility--of you and a black being alone--ANYWHERE.

It will not turn out in your favor.


Anonymous said...

"You can be a billionaire's daughter, or a pauper, but the lesson--as always-- is: DO NOT allow--even the most remote possibility--of you and a black being alone--ANYWHERE."

ANYWHERE means ANYWHERE too. The most remotest part of the nation and 100 % whitey and even THERE you are not safe. Better believe it.