Thursday, September 15, 2022

blax like brix: in nyc, raceless hate-crime attacker stashed a brick in a planter, in order to sucker-punch Whites (perp photo)

By A.L.
Thu, Sep 15, 2022 7:06 p.m.

blax like brix

blacks like bricks. Good for "slapping some dude upside the hay-ed."

This bad guy evidently had the brick stashed in a planter.

They use those also for smash-and-grabs on auto winders.


Anonymous said...

Crimestoppers--where?Only one way to stop crime--and that's getting the biggest steamship in the world--load all the blacks on it--and say bon voyage to crime.

Bradley Morris said...

You have to love that description: "a dark complexion".

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you carried a brick around with you?