Saturday, October 16, 2021

Exclusive: Jennifer Gates and Millionaire Rider of Horses Nayel Nassar Secretly Married in a Muslim Wedding Yesterday; Will Walk Down Aisle Today for Second Civil Ceremony, with Both Parents; Coldplay Will Perform at Reception

By R.C.
Sat, Oct 16, 2021 3:01 p.m.

Exclusive: Jennifer Gates and equestrian millionaire fiancé Nayel Nassar secretly married in a Muslim wedding Yesterday: Will walk down aisle today for SECOND civil ceremony with both parents and Coldplay will perform at reception

R.C.: And to think her mother made Billy Boy convert to Roman Catholicism.


eahilf said...

A weird similarity to Princess Diana.

And that was fast -- how long have they been living apart/divorced?

I still remember returning from work on Sunday evening, turning on the TV (I used to watch TV back then, but not anymore), and being shocked at the news of Princess Diana's death -- but honestly, even at that point, and despite all the media attention she got, I'd never heard her speak -- only later, after her death, did I watch part of an interview with her and hear her voice for the first time.

Anonymous said...

No nigs among the bridesmaids?Tsk,tsk,poor example of diversity.


Anonymous said...

Yes I found it strange that she married a Muslim. must be some handling going on. The hat that Gates step mother wore was also very odd.

Anonymous said...

Did she say the shahada? Islamic testament of faith. Or sign a paper with the shahada printed on the document. That means she becomes a Muslim and her kids Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Do the Muslims ever convert to Christian?I doubt it.


Anonymous said...

A Muslim converting to any other religion gets the death sentence at the worst and shunning by other Muslims including their own famblee at the best.

eahilf said...

>And that was fast -- how long have they been living apart/divorced?

Just to note: obviously I confused the daughter Jennifer with her mother Melinda.

One of the worst things about modern America is tabloid celebrity culture.