Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Abbot on MIT; Morgan on FBI Criminalizing Parents; Frontline Doctors

By "W"
Wed, Oct 6, 2021 11:43 a.m.

Abbot on MIT; Morgan on FBI Criminalizing Parents; Frontline Doctors


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
What do you do with jihadist terrorist women? Syria won't take them but Swedistan will!
Article is a little unclear on some details, but the idea of any Middle Eastern country sending security risk Islamists to a European one because they're "too dangerous" seems unfathomable, but this is the new globalist diversity era.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Comments are getting weirder. When I click on comments using either Google chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers it takes me to a news site:
When I use the old Explorer browser, the comments are now activated and I can comment just like before.
Of course they are phasing out the old Explorer browser so eventually we won't be able to use it at all and the newer browser appear to be redirecting attempts to comment. Google behind this? A new campaign of harassment against online dissent toward Wokeness?

eahilf said...

>seems unfathomable

Many countries refuse to take, or strongly resist taking, their own migrants back -- here is a German article about it; it's from 2016, but I know from more recent stories that the problem still exists, e.g. an African nation said it would not take its own citizens back because they would be too difficult to 'integrate' back into African society, and so would pose a risk:

Regierung schreibt Beschwerde-Briefe an 17 Staaten

Here's the list of countries that resist accepting, or outright refuse to accept, their own citizens that European countries want to deport:

Ägypten, Algerien, Marokko, Äthiopien, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Tunesien, Bangladesch, Indien, Pakistan, Libanon

(Despite the language difference, the countries should be obvious.)

Also Iran: in general, someone being deported must have a passport issued by the home country -- but Iran will not issue one if the person does not want to return to Iran -- so all an Iranian has to do is say he doesn't want to return to Iran, and he won't/cannot be deported because the Iranian government will not issue him a passport.

The EU Court of Human Rights is known for being absurdly favorable to migrants and asylum-seekers in its rulings.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Hmmm...that's interesting but not surprising those countries won't accept "return refugees", but what does what they want have to do with anything? We don't want them, at least rational people don't but we're forced to accept them anyways. I'm imagining some ways around this like maybe flying overhead with a planeload of Pakis or Afghan men and handing them parachutes, then a simple shove and voila! Back home again!

eahilf said...

>but what does what they want have to do with anything?

I've seen that explicitly only about Iran -- here is a story about it:

Abschiebung: Iran akzeptiert nur freiwillige Rückkehrer

'Iran accepts only those returning voluntarily'

From the point of view of the home countries it makes sense -- these governments fear a large, rapidly growing, restive population of poor people, especially in Africa -- look at this graph of UN population projections for Europe vs Africa: UN 2012 Population Projections - Europe v Africa