Sunday, September 19, 2021

Nationwide Network of Moslem Female Genital Mutilation "Doctors"

By A Colleague
Thu, Sep 16, 2021 9:57 p.m.

Nationwide Network of Muslim Female Genital Mutilation "Doctors"

Because postmodern "4th wave" feminists are neo-Marxists first and foremost, viewing the world through the lenses of critical race theory and intersectionality, they see everything and everyone in terms of black or white, and all people as either oppressors or oppressed.  

Europeans and Christians have dominated Muslims and Middle Easterners for the last five centuries or so (in stark contrast to the previous nine centuries), ergo the Muslims are the oppressed, even if many of them have repugnant traditions and customs that are abhorrent to Western feminists.  So those silly feminists will tie themselves into knots and pretzels, trying to explain, for example, how the hijab, niqab, and burka are actually liberating for women, because they free them from the "toxic male gaze."

And they ostracize real feminists and humanists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, whose "lived experience" of female genital mutilation and the like would have deflated pompous blowhards like Judith Butler in a minute.

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