Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mayors of Baltimore City: There's Another Theme Here

By An Old Friend
Thu, Sep 12, 2019 9:51 p.m.

There's **another** theme here

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Elderly rape of a white woman by a negro....again!
Joseph William Greene, a neighborhood transient, breaks into a home and attempts to rape a 76 yr. old woman, the woman's daughter is there and chases him out of the house. During the court hearing the victim and her daughter make excuses for him. From the article (victims daughter):

“When we first met, you were asking for help because of your situation of being homeless,” said the victim’s daughter during Green’s sentencing hearing, according to the news release. “You came across as a kind, gentle and intelligent person. ...That evening could have been so much worse. ...I want you to get help and to be a better person in the future."

“I hope that during your time in prison you can get mental health counseling and proper medical care and continue educating yourself,” the daughter continued. "I want you to forgive yourself and to leave prison with a mission to become a meaningful member of our community.”

The actual victim also tried to mitigate his crime and excuse him:

I hope that by having food and shelter for the next several years will give you time to figure out how to support yourself without taking away from others,” the woman told Green at his sentencing hearing.

“I hope that you develop relationships that are meaningful and that you never again want to force yourself on another person,” the woman said, according to a news release by the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office. “ I don’t think you’re a bad person, but I hope you understand that forcing yourself on another person is a hurtful thing to do to everyone, including yourself.”

Not a bad person???? If a rapists is not a bad person then I'd like to know what her definition of a truly bad person really is.

These are the kind of white women that make excuses for violent racist negro males and will excuse anything they do, even sexual violence.
Greene was sentenced to 8 yrs. until parole that is, and since the victims would prefer to have him on the street they'll probably petition the parole board to let him out as early as possible.

If you go to Oregonianlive right now you'll see this article right above this story:
An asian pharmacist, Johnny Tuck Chee Chan, planted a camera in the bathroom to record his co workers. He got 12 years for being a peeping tom, whereas the negro forcible rapist gets 8 yrs. How does that compute?
Notice in the article that none of his victims stepped forward to try and soften his crime with their words. This asian guy is getting the white guy treatment: You're a sex pervert and there's no tolerance for you.
Mr. Chan will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, but I wonder if Mr. Greene, a forcible rapist, will also have to register as a sex offender for the remainder of his life. Something tells me he's going to continue to be the beneficiary of diversity justice until he commits a crime so heinous it can't be ignored.