Kavan Collins, with band-aid on his right cheek; apparently, his wounds had healed, but either his dear, old mom, or the “journalist” doing the story thought it would be a nice touch, to put a band-aid on him, and then got carried away.
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
“D'Antignay Brashear shows a photo of her four-year-old son, Kavan Collins, after he was shot on June 28 in Chicago.” [So, apparently, he really did get shot in the face, fake band-aids notwithstanding.]
“‘I don't know how to explain it to him,’ the mother told the AP for a story last July about children who are victims of Chicago's gun violence. "How do you tell a kid, 'Oh, you got shot.'"’”
The mother, D'Antignay Brashear, ought to be nominated for an acting award, say, Best Performance of the Year for for Talking to the Media. I’m sure she’d already had lots of practice in explaining to little Kavan about people he knew getting shot.
‘Oh, he got shot ‘cause he was a Latin King, an’ he trespassed on Black Gangster Disciple turf.’
Black four-year-olds in Chicago know all about that sort of thing, especially when they’re the sons of career criminals.

“Kevin Collins, 25, was charged Wednesday with felony counts of being an armed habitual criminal, unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon, possession of a firearm with a defaced serial number and six misdemeanor counts of causing a child to be endangered, police said.
“A police source said Kevin Collins is the boy’s father. Collins was convicted in 2011 of aggravated battery to a peace officer and sentenced to three years in prison.” [“Father charged after 5-year-old son accidentally shot himself,” by Matthew Hendrickson and Jordan Owen, Chicago Sun-Times, 12/20/2017, 09:44 p.m.]
5-year-old boy shot in 2016 shoots himself in hand
By Andrea Cavallier
December 20, 2017 at 7:13 P.M.
CHICAGO — A 5-year-old boy who was struck in the face last year by a stray bullet fired during a drive-by shooting accidentally shot himself in the hand this week with a gun his father had obtained illegally, Chicago police said Wednesday.
Kavan Collins found the gun under a mattress in an upstairs bedroom and shot himself Tuesday evening in the finger, police said.
Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the boy's father was taken into custody and was being questioned about how he came to possess a weapon with a defaced serial number — something that is commonly done to illegal guns to make them more difficult to trace.
Guglielmi said it was likely the father would be charged with felony counts related to the possession of the gun and child endangerment. Police did not release the man's name because he had not yet been charged, but they said he has a criminal record.
The child was listed in good condition at Comer Children's Hospital — the same hospital the boy was taken to in June 2016 when he was shot in the face as he and his mother walked down the street on the city's South Side.
The boy's mother, D'Antignay Brashear, told The Associated Press last year that she was holding the boy's hand when she heard the sound of gunfire and looked down to see a bullet had fractured her son's jaw and shattered some teeth before it went out his other cheek.
"I don't know how to explain it to him," the mother told the AP for a story last July about children who are victims of Chicago's gun violence. "How do you tell a kid, 'Oh, you got shot.'"
Police said a 28-year-old woman inside a residence was also struck in the shooting, which happened when someone fired from a passing vehicle. Police said neither the woman nor Kavan were the intended target.
Sometimes I get jealous of all the cool african names like D'Antignay, and you know,
all the trend setting things africans do, like taking a knee in support of cop hating thugs, just to name a few. But I always remember what my Momma told me so many years ago while listening to the radio.....
"Its too late to turn black now"
sorry, NS i couldnt help it.
Only in Negroville can it happen like this.
Wonder when the kid will get his first tattoos? With parents like he has it's only a matter of time before he hits juvenile detention and then graduates to prison. The media will portray it all as stuff that just happens at random.
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