Sunday, March 13, 2016

Duke Rape Hoax Propagandist is Raging that ESPN is Telling too Few Lies in Its Film Tonight on the Hoax!



Career criminal Crystal Gail Mangum, 2006. Prior to the rape hoax she initiated in the night of March 13-14, 2006 against three innocent white Duke University students, she had been prostitute, a stripper, had pickpocketed a taxi driver, stolen his taxi (grand theft auto), and committed attempted murder against a (presumably white) policeman. For those crimes, she spent a total of five days in jail, over the course of three weekends. After getting away with the rape hoax, she graduated to arson and attempted murder against one boyfriend, for which she received virtually no punishment, and in 2011, she murdered boyfriend Reginald Daye, stabbing him to death. For murdering Daye, she finally got some modest punishment, and is currently in prison.


A 2007 mug shot of Durham DA Mike Nifong, who became Mangum’s crime partner in the Duke Rape Hoax, even though the two apparently never even met. Nifong either said or suggested that he’d interviewed Mangum, when apparently, only his deputies had. Even when he finally said he was going to interview her, when the hoax was coming apart, she still only sat down with a Nifong deputy. Nifong was never punished for his crimes. All he got was one night in jail, disbarment, and losing the DA’s office.

By David in TN

ESPN's 30 for 30 program has a show on the Duke Lacrosse Case (Hoax) on Sunday, March 13, at 9 p.m. ET. This will be the 10th anniversary of the attempt to imprison 3 innocent men.

The show is titled "Fantastic Lies." It looks to be a serious, accurate account.

March 2, 2016 at 10:52:00 P.M. EST

William D. Cohan is whining this week in Vanity Fair about the ESPN film on the hoax, which premieres tomorrow (Sunday) night. It seems ESPN optioned his book, but did serious research and have made a film fitting the facts.

Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 11:05:00 P.M. EST

[Of related interest:

“An Attempt to Restart the Duke Rape Hoax: The Price of Silence: The Duke Lacrosse Scandal, the Power of the Elite, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities” (Review by David in TN); and

“Nicholas Stix` Absolutely Definitive Account of the Incredible Disappearing Duke Rape Hoax” (VDARE title).]



Anonymous said...

Did she also try to murder the taxi driver she robbed and on another occasion her own kids?

David In TN said...

ESPNU is showing their 2016 program on the Duke Rape Hoax, "Fantastic Lies," on Thursday, December 26, at 12 p.m. ET.

Let's see if they have an update about the accuser admitting to lying about the entire incident.