Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Understanding Crime in America -- The Phenomenon of Concentration

mon, may 1, 2023 10:03 a.m.

Understanding Crime in America -- The Phenomenon of Concentration

* Readers here frequently express some combination of amazement or sympathy to me about my living in Manhattan.

* The news is filled with reports of spiking crime in our major cities, most especially in New York. Am I not in constant danger? How do I dare to go outside, particularly at night? * What rural and suburban readers may be missing is an understanding of the extent to which serious and violent crime is concentrated in a handful of quite small areas.

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Anonymous said...

Crime in America?The author needs to acknowledge what I've just finally decided:America is gone--"America" has replaced it--thanks to a drop in the percentage of Whites in this country and the increase in woke maniacs in politics(including blacks,Mex and queers).

The "ingredients" to have the America we grew up with are not the same. "America" has replaced it.


Anonymous said...

blacks are very mobile these days,compared to 30-40 years ago.Then,if blacks tried to go into a White neighborhood,well,they just didn't--they knew better.Whites wouldn't tolerate it.

Now,blacks are invited by liberals like mayor Bliss in Grand Rapids,to move wherever they want because blacks currently have access to section 8 housing in White areas. But where one black family moves,others follow,creating higher crime--even in MAINLY White neighborhoods.

All it takes is one black to live OR TRAVEL to your street to go ape and you have a tragedy.If,as a White,you cross paths with ONE criminally minded black,you will be robbed,assaulted,stabbed or shot regardless of favorable White demographics.There's(bad)luck involved too.

So the author claiming some neighborhoods are crime free,doesn't guarantee that fact in the future because of the factors I listed.
blacks don't mind traveling to White areas of town to commit crimes.

Anonymous said...

YES. 100 % correct. Like in Chicago. Mount Greenwood area where a preponderance of police and fire fighters live almost one of the safest places in the world to live.