Thursday, May 04, 2023

Joe Guzzardi on Mickey Mantle

By A Colleague
wed, may 3, 2023 1:50 p.m.

Joe Guzzardi on Mickey Mantle

Joe sent me his latest baseball column:


Anonymous said...

"The Mick" only realized he "screwed up" after a fatal diagnosis.If he had received a new liver and not gotten cancer,I have no doubt he would be drinking again full blast.Why?He enjoyed it.Yes it's a horrible way to live and die,but no one here gets out alive(to quote a Jim Morrison bio)and Mick would be dead now anyways--if he'd been a sober,healthy person--so there isn't much to say about feeling sorry for Mickey Mantle.He had an exciting life as a baseball talent and did what he wanted.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for that?


Anonymous said...

Mickey as his father before him suffered from some sort of chronic illness that convinced Mickey he was not going to live to old age. I guess he lived longer than he expected but ended his days shaking hands of those entering an Atlantic City casino.