Tuesday, May 02, 2023

breaking fake news: fourth innocent policeman falsely convicted for George Floyd’s “murder”

By N.S.



Anonymous said...

What did Thao do exactly?He's only guilty of not being a doctor who might have saved Floyd with open heart surgery on the ground--the only option that could have saved his sorry a**.Why didn't the sympathetic crowd--that was taking pictures--call an ambulance for floyd?There was one on the way via police request,but took a while to get there,maybe some other company could have reached the spot sooner. Even if arrival was on time,floyd was a goner--drug induced,cardiac arrest.

There should be thousands of Whites and Asians protesting for these cops.Where the f--k are you?


Anonymous said...

I am not sure what they are talking about? The death of the negro man in Minneapolis who had heart failure? What was his name?

Local police here now doing ads for lateral police hiring they call it. Lure cops from Chicago to suburbia. A trained and well experienced officer at your disposal. A good idea.

Anonymous said...

"What did Thao do exactly?"

Exactly. Doing NOTHING is not a crime. You might be guilty of some sort of moral lapse or a violation of department policy but it is not a crime to do NOTHING.