Monday, September 05, 2022

this is what he does: raceless man charged with kidnapping schoolteacher and mom of two boys, Eliza Fletcher, in memphis already spent 20 years inside for a kidnapping he committed as a “young teen,” when his vic escaped

earlier kidnapping vic of Cleotha Abston, prosecutor Kemper Durand, managed to escape when he saw an armed security guard or cop at an atm

“repeat snatcher: man charged in heiress' disappearance has kidnapping past as chilling new details emerge

“the suspect charged with snatching Tennessee heiress Eliza Fletcher was accused of rape as a young teen and previously served 20 years for violently kidnapping…”


Anonymous said...

cbs decided this was going to be their one story about black on White crime this year--saying there was video of the abduction---"and it was violent."

She was the daughter of a billionaire,they also said.


Anonymous said...

How about the death penalty for rape cases which are not misunderstandings between consenting adults who were drinking.Call it "nig rape" for short.


David In TN said...

As of 8:15 pm Monday night, the body of the victim, Eliza Fletcher, hasn't been found. If it isn't, this could be a troublesome prosecution.

The story has gotten publicity. The hook seems to be Eliza Fletcher was an heiress. I wonder when the attacks, "She is getting too much attention because she was White," will start.

Anonymous said...

Career habitual criminal. The woman was a heiress with two small children.

Anonymous said...

It seems they have the abduction on video.Lots of DNA evidence to boot.


David In TN said...

Yes, having it on surveillance video is all important. That's why the Tessa Majors murder case had guilty plea and didn't become a retcon of the Central Park 5 Hoax.

And now the body has apparently been found.