Saturday, September 03, 2022

“There’s No Such Thing as a Dangerous Neighborhood”

By Nicholas Stix

(Published at VDARE on September 5, 2022, as “There IS Such a Thing as a Dangerous Neighborhood—It's Called New York City.” That was the last time Peter Brimelow published any of my work, before purging me, though he never told me he'd purged me. Indeed, a couple of months later Peter told me that managing editor James Fulford had set up a commissioned article of mine to be published. Peter never ran it, or paid me for it, and I doubt very much that he had told James to set up my ms. Peter had run that scam on me in the past.)

Ludicrous, lying “experts” now retail racial fairy tales such as that there is “no such thing as a dangerous neighborhood.” Multi-billionaire former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg owns city lab, which spews such racist moron fodder. Although Bloomberg seeks to ban gun ownership by ordinary Americans, he goes nowhere without his own personal gang of up to five gunmen. City Lab garbage is in the rotation at, a division of firefox. Every time you open a tab at firefox, you get a page full of moron fodder and some advertisements. It's hard to tell them apart.
[“There’s No Such Thing as a Dangerous Neighborhood,” by Stephen Lurie, City Lab, February 25, 2019.]
I’m reminded of Stephen Lurie’s “thing” by…every crime story I read, and even some non-crime stories, like Jason Curtis Anderson’s tweet below.

Although Michael Bloomberg was an able manager of New York City (even if, like his immediate predecessor, he is a liar of presidential proportions), he is nonetheless part of America’s evil, ruling elite, one of whose many servants Stephen Lurie is. (Bloomberg was mayor for three terms. New York City’s term limits law banned any mayor from serving for more than two terms, but Bloomberg “solved” that little problem by bribing members of the New York City Council, who then weakened the law on his behalf, so that he could serve for three terms.
“Bloomberg would spend more than $250 million of his personal fortune on his three mayoral elections. Between cycles, however, he would dole out at least another $200 million in charitable donations to civic and cultural groups, which at times served to offset budget cuts and, other times, provided a support structure to advance his political goals.”

[“How Michael Bloomberg bought City Hall,” by Gabe Ponce de León, City and State NY, March 2, 2020.]
What the foregoing article left out was that many of the local “civic and cultural groups” that Mayor Bloomberg bankrolled, actually existed as slush funds for hispanic and black councilmen, such that Bloomberg was really paying bribes to them, whereupon they supported the mayor’s desired weakening of the term-limits law.

While Bloomberg was still in office, however, New York City voters voted overwhelmingly to reinstate the eight-year term limit for mayors. His successor, Bill de Blasio, was only able to remain in office for two terms, because de Blasio didn’t have the money to pay off the City Council, and because for de Blasio it was a matter of principle not to pay bribes, but to extort them out of people doing business with the city, and to steal billions from the city’s fake, $250 million-per-year mental health program, “ThriveNYC”, which he and his wife, “former lesbian” Chirlaine McCray, founded and controlled. De Blasio and McCray claimed they could not account for any of the program’s money, and the U.S. Attorneys for the Southern District refused to so much as investigate them. Note that the city’s problem with “mentally ill” blacks murdering and attempting to murder subway riders largely began during de Blasio’s mayoralty.)

Stephen Lurie cites a bunch of fakestats in defense of his indefensible position. Many of my readers and contributors read as many Lurie-like “things” per day as I do. Sometimes I have to clean up their outraged language in response, and sometimes google/blogger/youtube’s gauleiter even block me. I’ll come back to Lurie in another article.

Among current outrages, some victims and their loved ones have learned the hard way that visiting a sit-down, non-fast-food restaurant or a national park can be a deadly (or near-death) experience. Jesus Cortes, 52, ate dinner at Fuego Tipico Restaurant on 188th Street in Fordham Heights, in the Bronx, without incident (indoors, that is), paid, and left, circa 10:30 p.m on August 12th. Unbeknownst to Cortes, as he got up to leave, a neighboring diner, Bui Van Phu, 55, was seen putting on a pair of gloves, and interrupted his dinner to leave. In front of the restaurant, on clear video and in front of many witnesses, Phu snuck up behind the oblivious Cortes, and sucker punched him in the back or side of the head. Phu then went back inside and finished his meal.

Cortes fell to the ground, and lay there, unconscious. Phu left Cortes with a fractured skull, concussion, and bleeding on the brain; Cortes was in the ICU in a medically-induced coma for weeks thereafter. He has since awoken. I suspect that Phu donned special gloves with an insert (probably “Sap gloves”).

It was clearly attempted murder. Had Phu sucker punched Cortes in the same spot, without the gloves, he would likely have broken his hand.

“Phu was convicted for attempted robbery in 1991 and is a registered sex offender - who was out on [permanent] parole after being convicted of raping a 17-year-old girl at gunpoint on December 24, 1994. He was released from prison in March 2019”

[“EXCLUSIVE: NYC thug, 55, who put on gloves to knock out diner in unprovoked attack is FREED after being arrested for attempted murder as DA charges him with misdemeanor : Left victim in a coma with fractured skull three years after leaving prison for rape,” by Ty Roush, The Daily Mail, August 18, 2022.]

Notwithstanding Phu’s life as a violent, career criminal—just imagine what must be sealed in his juvi file!—the NYPD announced that he had been arrested under suspicion of attempted murder.

His name was immediately recognizable as Vietnamese (as kids, Americans my age heard Vietnamese names every night during war news). Checking on it, I came up with that it is a name often found in Vietnam of Chinese ethnics (I could have sworn I’d also read the reverse). However, I named my first blog item, “Hmore Hmong Troubles? Black Supremacist Bronx DA, Darcel Clark, Issues Free Attempted Murder to Career Criminal with Vietnamese Name,” because Phu had a profile so violent that it reminded me of Hmong criminals from Vietnam. Bronx DA Darcel Clark charged Phu only with misdemeanor third-degree assault and second-degree harassment.

Phu will not do any time on such piddling charges. Either DA Clark will throw them out, or he’ll be “sentenced” to, at most, spending a day or two cleaning a city park, and get an “ACD,” an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, which will be thrown out in six months. (It used to be that under an ACD you had to avoid getting arrested for six months, but as a colored criminal in New York City under the present dispensation, no such rules apply to Bui Van Phu.)

Some of you will have heard of Bronx DA Darcel Clark before. She’s an advocate of colored cut-throats, who wages terror on Whites, especially White cops.

This Phu case isn’t due to the so-called “bail reform law,” which some people are blaming. Clark ignored the fact that Phu is on lifetime parole, and thus was guilty of violating parole.

DA Clark engaged in a malicious prosecution for murder against white NYPD cop Sgt. Hugh Barry, based on a 2016 refusal-to-die incident. A black “EDP” (emotionally disturbed person) named Deborah Danner had tried to murder Sgt. Barry in her apartment with a baseball bat. He shot her dead.

Almost immediately, Daily News reporters found and published the page from the NYPD Police Academy’s training book which said that the proper response to said conduct was to shoot to kill. DA Clark, Police Commissioner James O’Neill, and Mayor de Blasio all ignored the book, and instead sought to railroad Sgt. Barry, who was acquitted at trial. They then sought to keep him from returning to work, and he has been suing for his job.

[“EXCLUSIVE: Police Academy exam's correct answer says NYPD cops ‘may shoot’ if ‘disturbed’ man threatens them with bat, source says,” by Rocco Parascandola and Thomas Tracy, New York Daily News, October 22, 2016; and “Police Sergeant Acquitted in Killing of Mentally Ill Woman,”, by Joseph Goldstein and James C. McKinley Jr., The New York Times, February 15, 2019].
As far as the Darcel Clarks and Bill de Blasios of the world are concerned, blacks have a license to kill, while white cops have a duty to die. (James O’Neill is just a cowardly opportunist.)

On August 19, White Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul intervened in the Phu case, overruled DA Clark, and put Phu back in jail. Hochul, who only got her job when black supremacist state Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James, who had hoped to steal the governorship, forced Gov. Andrew Cuomo out of office, is running for election this year.

AG James ignored the thousands of elderly who had died of Covid, due to Gov. Cuomo’s having warehoused them in nursing homes, and focused instead on the female Democrat operatives who had made dubious sexual harassment claims against the Governor. However, someone then whispered something in James’ ear, and she suddenly dropped her gubernatorial bid.

[“Going to do this each time, gov? Hochul orders arrest of released sex fiend sucker punch attacker,” by Zach Williams, Georgett Roberts, Joe Marino and Bruce Golding, New York Post, August 19, 2022.]
Now that Phu’s victim has awoken from his coma, Phu is screaming bloody murder, demanding to be released from jail. He has also come up with a new fairy tale, whereby he, Phu!, blacked out after hitting Cortes. No, Phu felt great, top ‘o the world, after suckerpunching and almost murdering Cortes. It was Cortes who blacked out.
“The convicted sex offender who allegedly left a Bronx man in a coma after a vicious sucker punch said he shouldn’t be behind bars because his victim survived.

“‘That sh– don’t make no sense,’ Van Phu Bui, 55, whined in an exclusive jailhouse interview with The Post. ‘He’s alive. He’s not dead. I thank God he survived. I didn’t want to hurt him that bad. I just hit him once.’”

[“Bronx sucker punch suspect Van Phu Bui whines he ‘blacked out’ when leaving man in coma,” by Griffin Kelly, New York Post, September 3, 2022.]


Anonymous said...

This Phu made a big mistake by going back inside and finishing his meal. A display of a depraved mentality. So damned cold blooded. And the use of the glove as said with an insert is the use of weapon akin to brass knuckles. A weapon illegal to have in your possession.

Anonymous said...

Prison is made for sociopaths like Phu. Where are the law and order candidates running for office?


David In TN said...

"I blacked out."

"I have no memory of what happened."

David In TN: I can't count the times I've seen this defense from guilty malefactors. This (still) is Sirhan Sirhan's defense. Ted Kennedy claimed "I can't remember how I got out of the car," and "didn't realize what happened until the next morning 10 hours later."

The ex-boyfriend who killed Dominick Dunne's daughter in 1982 "had no memory" of strangling her to death.

It's practically the standard defense.

Anonymous said...

No such thing as a "bad" neighborhood. Just a neighborhood filled with BAD people.

We don't have a crime problem. We have a people problem." LA police Chief Parker.

Chief Parker was right.